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Can you read in containers & progresssions from xml or txt file?


Can you read in progresssions from xml or txt file. ie, could I create containers with progressions in an external file and read them in in SF? I think it would be faster to start with this and then tweak via GUI for me.


Thanks in advance 

Fr., 22.02.2013 - 00:01 Permalink

I do t know about that but I find it easier to edit the parameters on whe right hand side after roughly positioning the containers with the mouse and keyboard. You can type in things like length and stuff in measures.

Fr., 22.02.2013 - 21:06 Permalink

For instance I static import a piece into SFP in two places, it gives me a really sour chord, yet when I import into Logic directly the chords work fine..

As i discovered today for the instrument sound range of a static symbol..it depends on the choosen soundrange..so perhaps extend the soundrange and the phrase recognition must be bypassed 

Fr., 22.02.2013 - 23:10 Permalink

what would be a chord track? A MIDI track with just chords or do you mean a MIDI track with some key that triggers Tyros chord or something else (I don't use Logic so don't know if chord track means something special in Logic perhaps).


Hey I just said "I dont use Logic" !

 Perhaps I should add I persuade with my charm???!

Mo., 25.02.2013 - 16:09 Permalink

In Logic I always create a 'chord track' which I usually don't play.. It is used to drivie Tyros 4 instrument generators, and sometimes I use it in Band-in-a -Box..


Could it be possibe to set up a similar setup in SFP.  It often misinterprets chords, I  know that when   various tracks throw in 6th  7th, 9th, 10th 13 th notes Synfure misinterprets them(even in stativ mode).  So could one create a chord track and tell SFP to only use that to determine the chord structure of a piece. 


For instance I static import a piece into SFP in two places, it gives me a really sour chord, yet when I import into Logic directly the chords work fine..


Mo., 25.02.2013 - 16:17 Permalink

By chord track I mean chords that that have all notes fully blocked out for duration of chord (all notes are exactly one bar long etc. Tyros will also use meta data chord Ath etc) to detect chords, but you need to buy pre arranged MIDIS from Yamaha or use a PC editor to put these in yourself..  but these are only for Tyros harmony functionss, Logic doesn't make use of them. 


The range or octave of chords has no effect ( nor should it).