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ctrl + click on a key of the circle of fifth does not open the palette


good morning guys,

I do not know what I'm doing wrong but if I ctrl + click on a key on the circle of fifth it does not open the palette with the chords in common with the current key highlined


any ideas?




have a good day

Mo., 11.03.2013 - 22:21 Permalink

The circle of fifth .. a selected scale with the mouse cursor on it gives a message :

Click to navigate key in Palette.

Douple (MUST DOUBLE ) click opens new palette

Ctrl+Click to select shared chords


But study the videotutorial about this modulation..because it is a bit complicated to find out what the shared chords are between 2 scales    

Di., 12.03.2013 - 09:32 Permalink

hey juergen,

I was referring to opening a palette with the chord shared with other key higlened.


Double click on a key in the circle of fifth, open palette

Ctrl + click on a (different )key in the circle of fifth, open palette with shared chord with current key


I watched the tutorial but I don't know what I'm doing wrong, if I ctrl + click it does not happen anything

Di., 12.03.2013 - 10:05 Permalink

I think you must start first by choosing a "startkey" and freezing this, than Ctrl+Click on a "targetkey"--> the shared chords are now showing up ( use to control your right workflow do also agin the example modulation to get confidence ,see quote example ),than go further..
Recap: startkey --> shared chords( = pivot chords) -- establish targetkey ( by going to the tonic of that targetkey )

startkey -->pivotchords

                   pivotchords --> targetkey

to be complete...

The video example modulates from Dm to Bm
source key : Dm --> target key Bm

Dm --G-A  pivot chords ( G and A .. shared by Dm and Bm ) 

          G -A -> Gmaj7-F#(V) - Bm (I) ( Cadense from V-I )


I hope this will be improved that it is made easier to modulate as user of Synfire 

Fr., 15.03.2013 - 09:33 Permalink

ok, the problem was that I first need to open the palette with the current key then ctrl+click on different key on the circle of fifth. Now the palette will show the chords highlined.


thanks guys