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Default Configuration Path


I had to uninstall and reinstall Synfire recently so I lost my custom file paths (Edit > Preferences > Files). Now I can't remember how to set the Configuration to the folder that holds all my libraries, etc.

The manual says "The Confguration Folder is named “Config” and resides in your personal Projects folder by default (you can change its location in the global preferences, if necessary). Synfre saves everything you change with the default settings in this folder".

So I've changed the Projects folder (see attached) but there's no option to change the Config folder. I'm sure it's simple but I can't remember what I'm doing wrong!



So., 04.12.2016 - 12:14 Permalink

I don't remember the exact reason, but the ability to manually change the Config folder was removed with one of the last updates (documentation is outdated here). I would recommend moving your Config folder to the suggested location instead (as shown in your screenshot).

Mo., 05.12.2016 - 14:12 Permalink

I made also a setup and saved the arrangementfile, but i installed synfire again and loaded the arrangement file , but no racks to see anymore

I thought that the rack setup was included in the save of the arangment file?..as it seems be now no ...that's stupid

Loading a arrangement file again, then i must only assign the vst ..and then ready to go, but that seems to be not the case

What files i do must save to be able to get a functional arrangement file open again? ( i assume when i now open only a projectfile in Cubase..all racks are included.. )

Can this be improved in Synfire..by using projectfiles?