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Editing ".device/midnam"-file: Why use of different Octave Naming System?


I am trying to manually edit a new '.device'-definition ("DD") file (for the renewed and bigger Garritan Personal Orchestra version 5).

Now I see that other DD files, used in Synfire, don't use the Scientific pitch notation (or SPN, also known as American Standard Pitch Notation (ASPN) and International Pitch Notation (IPN)).

The difference: the counting of the octaves in the DD-files is 1 lower than in the SPN.


In the SPN the range of a Steinway Grand D is: A0 » C8, in the DD-file: A-1 » C7.

Of course that's essential when (manually) editing DD-files!

Does anybody know why there is this different notation? Is there any documentation/experience?


So., 31.07.2016 - 18:54 Permalink

In the MIDI world, there are two conventions for middle C, either notated as C3 or C4. Most synths still offer this as a choice in their settings, so I assume there is no such thing as a global standard that everyone agrees upon (depends probably on who you ask). If I remember correctly, this was historically introduced by different standards used by Roland and Yamaha, but I may be wrong.

If I may ask, what is the reason for taking the effort of creating an XML file in the first place? Instead of using the user interface? The midnam XML format is for import only and it's not complete. You would still need to edit the imported data in Synfire, since its native format is binary device descriptions.

If you had a complete XML file provided by Garritan, an import would make sense. But creating one from scratch not so much.


Sa., 03.09.2016 - 23:27 Permalink

Concerning the Octave Naming System:

With your info about 2 systems in the MIDI world, this problem is solved for me. In the Synfire-DD the Central_C is apparently  named “C3”.

In the world of classical music I do use 2 systems:

  1. SPN (central C named “C4”) for orchestra and choir.
  2. Helmholtz (central C named “C’ “= C-one-stroke), used a.o. by my piano tuner.

Why taking the effort of creating an XML file for GPO5?

First: I contacted the supplier of Garritan PO. To my surprise they answered they didn’t know anything about midnam files!

Second: With some experience of using XML-editing for another purpose, I thought this would be the best way of making a .midnam file. My ignorance!

          Using the user interface of Synfire for making a device description is indeed relatively easy. Though still time consuming.

         With that knowledge I took the effort of making a DD file for Garritan PO5.

I made a new item for it on this forum site:





Sa., 03.09.2016 - 17:22 Permalink

Thanks for sharing your device! Much appreciated. There are quite a few GPO users out there.