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Export Midi type 0


Hi everyone,

I'm trying to identiy if Harmony Navigator exports Midi type 0 files and how to do it since I'm importing into Logic and using an aprpeggiator plug in (Cthulhu) which only works with type 0 and not Type 1 midi files.

I have been able to use midi files I have purchased but not any files produced by HN.

Are there specific settings I need (apart from plain chords for export) in order to do this?

Thanks in advance.

Di., 25.08.2015 - 00:19 Permalink


HN2 does all export in format 1 (multiple tracks).

You can drag the instrument name to the desktop, then tap the spacebar to export a MIDI file. If you only export a single instrument, your DAW might still accept the format. It is pretty standard and exists for decades.