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Great new video tutorial


I just want t to express that I think the video tutorials are great in general and the new one for HN2 is really good.

As it it now it's not always clear if the video is covering HN2 Advanced, HN2 LE or HN1.

Do., 22.04.2010 - 23:01 Permalink

Thanks! The video basically covers both editions, except the accompaniment patterns used for the examples. Both editions share the same harmony features.

Our biggest problem is to decide which are the most important topics to be covered by videos, and how much detail would be needed to make them helpful. We could easily produce 50 or more, if we had the time.

Mi., 28.04.2010 - 18:20 Permalink

Yes, the video is cool.
It would be awesome if the next one was a howto about setting up a mixer configuration with Direct port routing, recording from MIDI keyboard, import midi file, etc.

Is it possible?


Nevermind I got it working.
Anyway it's terrible if I set up a mixer config, and when I change a chord in the progression, HN starts to play automatically with the accompaniment set in the top right corner. :-?
Btw. if I click the play button, my configured setup starts to play, which is expected.