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Having trouble with controlling knobs with ableton, access virus and synfire


I haven't had a chance to determine if this is solely related to the virus ti or a more generic issue. I'm posting it hoping I'm doing something wrong and some kind person replies with a better method.

I've got a virus ti hardware synth which comes with a vst/au to control it. I'm using ableton live 8 as my daw. The virus ti pluggin has a screen with common controllers on it, these include filter cutoff, filter resonance and 3 generic knobs that are mapped to different controls on a patch by patch basis, in addition the are also pan and volume parameters. The virus vst/au is running in a drone on a daw ableton live track.

In an ideal world I'd love to be able to have controller parameters in synfire control these knobs in the virus and record the movements in live (after exporting the midi)
Second best would be to just be able to control these knobs from ableton as if the drone wasn't being used

There is no cc parameter that maps directly to the knob, the knobs are controlled by the cc that controls the parameter they are configured to control.
I've been setting up the controllers in synfire but so far have only been able to alter the pan and volume settings in the virus plugin.
With the au drone if I move a knob that parameter shows up in the drones device as a parameter that I can then automate via live. Using the vst version I can't get this to work, the parameter is never added to the drones controls.

I could cope with the vst behaving like the au version of the drone but not sure if the problem is with the vst drone or the vst virus pluggin.

Things I will try next unless someone posts better ideas or information

Try the above with different au/vsts to determine if its a drone issue or virus issue
Trying to get the synfire controllers working with the cc values for the controls the knobs are pointing at, although this will change from sound to sound.
Check to see if the controller values end up in live when exported and can still control the virus ti pluggin through the drone set to local.

Any suggestions welcomed

Do., 31.01.2013 - 18:26 Permalink

Did you try using the au drone with the au version of the virus ?
I was having the same issue with the vst versions.
I prefer using vst versions, but synfire seems to work better with au's.

Do., 31.01.2013 - 18:55 Permalink

Hiya phy6, yeah I always use au plugins with au drones and vst with vst. I also try to avoid mixing au and vst within the same ableton project. That's why I'd like to get the vst plugin and drone at least working the same as the au version, so I can use either depending on what other instruments are. Some of my plugins are vst only.

I'll check the other stuff out later tonight and post an update.

Fr., 01.02.2013 - 03:54 Permalink

After a bit of experimentation I think Ive got this one worked out. Some softsynths support midi learn, others don't. The ones that do not, you have to know the right cc number to use in Synfire, which you have to get from the documentation for the synth. You can then add that info into the device or template file.

I had the additional complication that the knobs I was trying to control are generic and do not themselves have midi cc numbers. They inherit the cc number for the parameter they are set to control in the patch. e.g In one patch knob1 will alter the filter cutoff so you have to use the cc for filter cutoff, in a different patch it will control the distortion level so you have to use the cc for distortion level.


Anyway, Ive made a video which might help anyone struggling. Unfortunately its been exported using a demo version of the screen capture software. I will update both the software and video when funds allow.



Fr., 01.02.2013 - 10:01 Permalink

Thanks Blacksun!

Your experimentations with CC controllers in Synfire gives a whole new area of composing arrangments with automation.

The "Drones" chapter of Synfire is difficult to master ( for me ) , so i must practice more with this.

HAlion 4 Vst has also learn CC so the sonic posssibilities are endless

Your initiative gives me a push to do a setup with the drones again :?
This type of composing was also on my wishlist and there was no progress..till unto now!
Unfortanely there is no video what explains all ins and outs of the drones ( drone/midi drone)
Note: @juergen has made a wiki about drones in Cubase !



Fr., 01.02.2013 - 15:17 Permalink

I did some automations in Synfire for a Vst parameter and it seems to be working normal.
The Vst has no Midi learn, but assigning a CC number with the midi mapping from the Vst and assign this number to Synfire makes that  automations is easy to perform.




Fr., 01.02.2013 - 15:51 Permalink

I have  confirm here that using vsts in Synfire and relocate it to a vst drone in Ableton works fine, must have had them all mixed up before...