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Hi Synfire Artists - Finally getting mine up and going..


I work mainly in Bitwig and now also Cubase. Just getting myself reaquainted with Synfire...

I have noticed that imports always open windows - Is that always the case makes a real  pain when importing alll of single Midi files? 

Any comments or help muc appreciated.  -S

So., 17.01.2016 - 02:33 Permalink

Gah figured it. import from instruments. Is it me or is the training tutorials somewhat confusing? Guess just spend more time in there. S

So., 17.01.2016 - 12:51 Permalink

Id be interested in how you are getting on with bitwig. I looked at it when it first came out to replace ableton, but it didnt support rewire. I use rewire to sync ableton and synfire together. Have bitwig introducted this or are you syncing the two programs some other way and if so how are you finding it?

So., 17.01.2016 - 21:54 Permalink

Haven't tried to rewire either DAW yet.

Just getting my hands inside the program. The GUI needs some attention I can't understand why certain field areas are locked while others you are able freely stretch. IE the library pool. Also why wouldn't the 1st pool phrase start at say D1 - and not D2. And even update the corret number when I delete phrases.

Importing is a bit of a chore if say you keep a folder of bass phrases all seperate seems like Batch import would be great. Also getting them to just sound great right out of the box I've seen some delays from linear and then I feel there is a need to quantize. 

I still haven't figured how to have one synth with different midi outputs I end up with a duplicate engine to run another synth patch. 

Had a couple audio hangs when testing playback and forth from phrase pool....

Also last but not least Do you always extract the midi to figure before saving to phrase pool? I haven't seen any phrases connected like a string so I can edit notes up and down and move the whole phrase.  

As a code monkey I do like some of the old school structure... like strict file managing system and that you have to clean out every child file before you can delete the parent.

As these are my 1st reactions fighting with a program fora few days... still super stoked to compile a library of fast tweaking midi. S


Mo., 18.01.2016 - 14:32 Permalink

So I've got everything importing right now on auto-detect. No extraction fro midi and moved to phrase. Instruments set up right - but still seperate. Just a matter of creating the library. And yes starting to see the power of Synfire! psyched.