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HN2 Voice leading


Hey that's really smart! The palette now attempts voice leading to avoid nasty parallels etc. Am I right in thinking HN1 did not do this?

HN2 looking good and so glad you made an LE version. Well done guys.

Problem though- where is the metronome on/off button? I can't see a way of sending the metronome anywhere but the Virtual instrument I'm using which makes recording impossible.

(Only one sadness- still cannot change the octave of the bass note in the progression editor- I think this is something to do with the concept of 'instruments', its a shame but I'll live). Very tempted now!

Do., 22.04.2010 - 22:54 Permalink

Yes, voice leading was much improved since HN1.

You can turn off the metronome in Audio & MIDI Setup and assign a different sound to it.

The octave of the bass depends on the lower playing range of the instrument used for bass voice. You can adjust that in the Audio & MIDI Setup as well.

HN2 LE uses the five global instruments exclusively for everything, while HN2 Advanced may also use customized instruments for each pattern.