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An interesting book to read


This is Your Brain on Music - Dr. Daniel J. Levitin


Although this isn't going to teach you any music lessons, it does contain a lot of insight of what music does to our brain, and how we use our brain when working or listening to music.  In the last few years, thanks to MRI's scientists have learnt a tremendous amount of knowledge about the brain.  


If it wasn't for music, man may have never learnt how to speak, music in fact made us become smarter and learn how to manipulate ideas, co-ordinate muscles to a degree, many other actions do not. As a musician,  Music uses more different parts of the brain than any other activity.


It is in fact a very high form of mediation, which I'm sure many of us have felt when the band was smoking. and the audience into it.  It's a great high in itself.. Now that I don't cloud my mind with any drugs, I can notice more what music does to my mind.. I usually can't play it before sleep, because my brain gets to active.  


I race through secenios at a furious pace, if I'm going to add two more notes to that triad chord, and what implications it is going to make.. Then when you bring up SFP,  the options become staggering, in fact it is generally overwhelming to many when they first encounter it.. Learning it, has to be slowly digested, so that each concept is fully understood.


 This only strengthens our mind.. It's a muscle not unlike the other muscles in our body,  Use it or lose it. 




Mo., 08.10.2012 - 11:57 Permalink

Thanks for the tip.

Unfortnately I will not find any time anytime soon to read it, but posting this here for everyone is much appreciated.