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Lab Rats Wanted

Do., 12.09.2013 - 09:12 Permalink

The arrange parameters should directly allow you to change MIDI channel, catagory, MSB/LSB, Program right from that window, not jumping around.

Pick a sound source (virtual instrument, MIDI hardware), pick a MIDI Channel # pick a catagory, (So SPF knows the boundaries), pick MSB/LSB/Prog. Save that as a song or template so you can use the same setup again.

You can do that now, exactly in that order. All you need to prepare for is to uncollapse "Sound Details" and, if you are not using a midi port directly, disable write protection for the device you use, so you can modify it in place.
While this is easy, you need to redo all these steps for every instrument, every time.

I should rather fix the import issue once and for all.

How is one going to deal with these new super sound libraries, that have arpeggios, slurs, slides, etc..

That's what articulations are for. More support for dealing with them more comfortably will be added over time.


Do., 12.09.2013 - 10:37 Permalink

Except for 3, which is impossible, unfortunately. For most libraries I've seen, articulations are just 1 octave below the playing range, some even closer. Some even an octave above. That's impossible for Synfire to tell apart from music. Unless it already knows the exact pitch range of the particular sound.


It might be impossible for one track, although if there was a 'filter' that excluded note ranges from a static track when creating a phrase from it and similarly or inversely a filter specifying note range on the static file in a different track AND they could both output to the same midi port and channel, I would think this could be done.


One of the great advantages of doing midi manipulation in a DAW, including dealing with key switching/ articulation, is that you can point multiple midi tracks at the same destination, for examples, one with your note data, one with the keyswitching and one with automation data. This greatly simplifies work flow as you can mute any of the secondary (control) tracks to hone in on changes you want to make or problems you are trying to troubleshoot.


If SFP/ E permitted more than one track/ instrument to have the same midi port/ channel destination, then conceivably a static track could carry the key switching.

Do., 12.09.2013 - 10:39 Permalink

I want the track list in SPF to look exactly as the track list in Logic, so I know what's going on.


I hear you loud and clear and agree.

Do., 12.09.2013 - 12:05 Permalink

you can point multiple midi tracks at the same destination

Synfire can too. Actually this is the default what happens when you add a new instrument to the arrangement using the same sound. You need to "Demand Separate Channels", if you want the instruments with the same sound use different channels.

For fixed-channel sounds, of course, all instruments send to that channel anyway (because it's the only channel you gave it).

Do., 12.09.2013 - 12:45 Permalink

A network exception occurred with embedding an URL

To fix the issue with all sorts of triggernotes for libraries, you must use/develop a general system for articulations and dynamics.

A example of this is to find with Cubase: the articulations ( 2 types : articulations and dynamics sign ) are undependent of the position (pitch) of a note grid..only the triggering is important ( let me look at cubase again if i made here the right statements)

Probably you do need still a triggernote it seems to play in a live mode, but if you work with solely with the editor you can leave the trigger notes out in the editor   : http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/feb10/articles/cubasetech_0210.htm   


This can be the first step to apply only articulation/dynamics for all sample libraries only with the editor 

If synfire can use "expressionmaps" from Cubase or made by others..and this will be growing in the future




The expressionmaps can be made in Cubase by everyone and if you made a online service like for the device descriptions ..than Synfire can grow ( hopefully i get a invitation from Cognitone for this idea to drink a beer when the big cash is coming )  

Do., 12.09.2013 - 14:36 Permalink


SFP with it's dynamic allocation, throws all your DAW setup/effects out the window.. When you set up a song one always wants a certain instrument on a certain midi channel going to a certain device and to the same track in the DAW, otherwise you are constantly resuffleing.. This can be rectified by reserving channels, than what's the point of dynamic patches/channels in the first place?

I think Tyros can act also as a GM soundmodule ..so create for this a device description with a global rack--> now you have a multi -timbral device description for General Midi sounds

Try to first to make a General Midi device description for Tyros !!


Do., 12.09.2013 - 20:08 Permalink

I did not pay $5000 to use Tyros 4 as a GM module..  The point is you want to hear what the instrument is really doing as you are building the song.. I often use the thumps, bumps, and squeals from a Tyros 4 guitar track as a percussion track, it is wonderful, it makes the sound  organic.. You can't do that if Tyros automatically transposes these down. That would be like the guitar player, just muffling the chords, and playing the rhythm, l want to hear the exact fuzz, sustain, tremelo effects, that it turn effects what I am going to overdub.. 


Truth is for the sake of simplicity, I do sometimes use the the Tyros 4 GM voices, to avoid headaches in SFP. Then when I'm thru I export to Logic, I have re-voice some instruments,, manually add SA2 articulations (C6=C8).   The problem is after manipulating the song in Logic, I sometimes want to go back to SFP to do something like create a solo, or piano  part beyond my technical abilities (had 2 strokes so finger dexterity has degraded).   So I keep two versions of songs. So I can easily jump between the two apps..  This makes the process, very complicated to say the least.. Other times, after manipulatiing, processing, hand editing notes,, I export this , and re-import back to SFP..  So actually I keep a few versions of the song, to do certain work. 


If SFP strips out all these 'artifacts',  it's like trying to duplicate a hit record with a hack band full of inexperienced players..  Or expecting an unexperienced orchestral musician to hit those 4 highest notes that make the song, that an experienced musician can do.. Articulation, octave, and resonance of a particular instrument are the factors of a great part verses a plain uninspired track.. 


Your idea of 'an expression map is a good one. There could be several expression maps, already pre-defined (C-2 thru C0, or C7 - C8)


Another method, although making SFP even more complex, is you tell SFP the musical note range.. C1 - B5 for a particular instrument, or else the default is used.  C1 = B5 is usually a good range.. Tyros articulations are outside of those boundaries. I make those the boundaries for Logic's score editor, that way articulations don't show up in the finished score.. 


This will continue to be an open ended situation.. Tyros 4's Mega voices, are strickly for use by the instrument part generators.  They use a fairly dense map of velocities,, So velocities between71-78 hit a full bodied guitar, velocities between 112- 118 are squeels, velocities above that are harmonics.. and each step of the velocity controls the volume of that particular effect.. This is impossible to play in real time, unless you create a velocity limiter in logic environment, to 'step-down the velocity levels.. So any note between velocity 60 - 67  come out as velocity 65.


This is beyond the scope of SFP,  because other manufactors, are no doubt using their special techniques.. There's no way one would expect SFP to accomodate all this, plus any future changes a manufactor might make.. 



Do., 12.09.2013 - 20:50 Permalink

Hi Mark

This is beyond the scope of SFP,  because other manufactors, are no doubt using their special techniques.. There's no way one would expect SFP to accomodate all this, plus any future changes a manufactor might make.. 


Beyond the scope of Tyros interacting with Synfire ..yes probably, what can you aspect from Cognitone ?

Why don't you buy HALion5 for a few hundred dollars and you compose further .. or are you doing Tyros magic within Logic , what not can be done with HALion5 ? 

Fr., 13.09.2013 - 00:09 Permalink

The only way i can see this working is if you can assign instruments on import to each track and the device definition for those instruments includes the settings for articulation and key switches. Then it should be possible for the import routine to work out what is meant as an articulation/key switch and what are real notes. This doesnt sound like a simple bit of coding and would mean you would have to have 'perfect' device definitions to deal with each instruments keyswitch and modulation (cc) settings.


Fr., 13.09.2013 - 01:04 Permalink

This doesnt sound like a simple bit of coding and would mean you would have to have 'perfect' device definitions to deal with each instruments keyswitch and modulation (cc) settings.

The coding is not an issue. The perfect DD however will never exist ;-)

BTW, I just finished fixing the SMF import bugs. There were indeed more than a few serious issues under the hood. Works great now also with retained channels. 

Fr., 13.09.2013 - 04:57 Permalink

I think most of us here have been using certain DAWs with virtual and hardware instruments.. and we know our libraries, and have our favorites etc.   I'm not looking to add anything else, cause I've got a ton of software instruments and Tyros 4 and Motif XS rack...


I've become pretty adept at my setup and chain of processes. (cept I need to learn a lot more on SFP).  After 20+ years with Logic, I have no intention of changing.. I'm sure Cubase, and Digital Permformer, and Cakewalk users feel the same.. 

This leaves Andre in the complex situation of trying to accomplish all these different tasks, yet stick to some common conventions, so the new user, doesn't have to invest over a year in learning SFP..  (it will of course take a long time to master all the combinations and permutations)


Thanx for the hasty attention giving to the import Andre....!


Each of the users here is probably coming at SFP/SFE from a slightly different perspective,  and it takes some time for us all to communicate and align with Andre's orginal version.. When I first played with SFP, I thought "I'm never going to be able to learn all this".. Fact is I'm only using certain parts and as situations come up, I try to learn something about an unexplored region of SFP.  I talk  to Logic guys using the program for over 8 years, and sometimes they've completely overlooked some simple but vital command.  They found a convoluted work around and use that.. 


I expect that SFP users will somewhat go that route also.. The more we communicate here (and it does work very well, certainly better than any other forum I can think of)  the more 'in tune we and Andre get'.



Fr., 13.09.2013 - 23:01 Permalink

This week's new version 1.7.1 is out. Get it from your user accounts on cognitone.com in roughly an hour after the build has finised and uploaded completely.

Main changes include:


The new Online Repository, of course ((https://users.cognitone.com/content/surprise)). Just try it and ask questions about it. I believe it is pretty self-explanatory. There are only very few devices in it yet. I will review and upload more during the next days. Upload yours, if they are worth sharing!

Global Rack

Global Rack works now like a regular file (Open, Save, Save As, Recently Opened Files, …), keeps backups and saves and restores to/from the last used filename. It has never been easier to keep a number of racks around and swap them depending on your current project files.

Each Global Rack keeps a list of arrangements that depend on it. The only purpose of this list is to warn you when you are about to save a changed rack to disk (or discard the changes).

Major bugs fixed with global instruments, that happened to not restore properly after loading a rack.


Fixed a few bugs concerning sound assigment with the embedded libary and the standalone library editor. Also fixed library import issues.

Lots Of Bugs And Small Items

Fixed bugs that you have submitted (thanks for that!)

Polished many, many small things, mostly cosmetic but nevertheless improving the overall user experience. Example: Check out the tool tip over level meters in arrange view, or, if a sound could not be found, on the instrument inspector tab).

Some of your recent suggestions have already been implemented.  

MIDI File Import

Fixed and much improved: Bigger window and more options:

  • Option to disable transposition of takes, both per track and for the whole file. Synfire needed to transpose takes by octaves, if the pitch range of the target instrument was violated. Without transposition, figure recognition can badly fail (separation of bass from chords, from melody, for example). When this is disabled now, Synfire will transpose the playing range of the instrument instead, and keep the take unchanged (if you really need that).
  • More room for track list, shows channels now
  • More insight into sound assigment
  • Sound assignment bugs fixed
  • and more.

Retain Channels On Import

This was, admittedly, totally broken. I hope I have fixed it now. The procedure to import w/fixed channels is as follows:

  1. On the import dialog, disable "General MIDI Standard", unless you really have all sounds GM in the file.
  2. Select a target device and port from the "Import for Device" menu.
  3. On the track list, check if sounds are assigned correctly. Do NOT YET care about the channels (shown in square brackets on the sound info field below the list).
  4. Switch individual sounds, if necessary.
  5. When all sounds are ok, check "Fixed MIDI Channels". This will create a copy of the device you selected, with all channels fixed and assigned to the sounds you selected.
  6. Do the import.

Need Sleep

There are so many other changes I already forgot or can not recall at the moment, because it's late in the day already and I refused to write down every bit all the time. You will certainly notice them, or I will point you to them during the next days.

Enjoy your testing!

Sa., 14.09.2013 - 01:53 Permalink

looks very good !!

midi import works much better now, but drum-channel still isn't assigned with some midis i tested...


looking forward for more testing but



need sleep too

Sa., 14.09.2013 - 05:22 Permalink

Thank you so much Andre! you have changed my life as a part time composer. You make my musical dreams possible! 

Sa., 14.09.2013 - 12:33 Permalink

Wow..such a big improvement this new Synfire Express now.

I could now drag the GM library phrases  in the arrangement with the sound assigned and make a easy a second library and use the accordion melodyline here on the forum discussed.

Gives quick a musical result ...chords further working on and adding more instruments .. i like to do more with expression cc for a channel ( to start easy ) and add a articulated sound too to get more lively feeling in Synfire Express. ( bass, guitar,sax, synth, .. probably 10 will be enough ) 
Drumssounds can be made on seperate tracks now, but those channels will be distracted from the existing 16.. so adding extra instruments for that in Synfire .. to compensate (automated ?).
Maybe handy is that with the import of drums ..you can import them on seperate channels
Some thoughts..about this version..ok now sounds assigning is easy, now comes the quality of the arrangement in play for Synfire express and maybe further library improvements .
I think if you want make this a mainstream composer.. say competing with Cubase than has it to offer more than it now has.
My two ct about  Synfire Express.




Sa., 14.09.2013 - 13:53 Permalink

All those improvements ... wow.


But the issue with the Tempo parameter seems to persist.  See Gif. I try to change the tempo at the container 'A'. But the tempo is changed at the root container instead. I can make a snapshot of the tempo into the container 'A', but when I try to change its value the Tempo parameter in container 'A' is deleted and the tempo change again happens in the root container. Am I doing something wrong? 

But of course I realized that you added a tempo display at the bottom of the window  ;-)



Sa., 14.09.2013 - 17:20 Permalink

Thanks, yes. The tempo issue is evident. Just fixed it. 


Regarding MIDI File Import, I have found an even better solution while I was asleep: Channels are now always retained. No need to select anything. The solution was to implement the concept of a "Preferred Channel". Import assumes the SMF track's channel is the preferred channel of the target instrument. You need not care about it. It just works.

In the arrangement, you can select a preferred channel per instrument. Synfire will try that channel first and only choose another, if the channel is already taken. This way the dynamic and static MIDI worlds are in perfect harmony! The overall management is still dynamic, while it prefers the user's selections (if any) where possible. So, if you care about MIDI channnels, you can do so now. If you don't want to bother with it, just ignore it.

I have not the slightest idea how come that I didn't find this solution years ago already. Sometimes ideas goe the long route.

@Mark, Prado: Wait for the next build, you will be happy.

Sa., 14.09.2013 - 17:42 Permalink

I have found an even better solution while I was asleep

Looks as if you should sleep more! :lol:


Sa., 14.09.2013 - 17:57 Permalink

I think it is a another state of mind at that time, what prevents you to come up with this
Nothing to worry about ..and accept this.

I have not the slightest idea how come that I didn't find this solution years ago already. Sometimes ideas goe the long route.

Sa., 14.09.2013 - 18:19 Permalink

@Mark, Prado: Wait for the next build, you will be happy.


I am already happy, as I like to grumble. :(


I think I am going to be ecstatic. :)


Sa., 14.09.2013 - 23:23 Permalink

andre - you are awesome! sorry for that unconstructive comment - just wanted to say that!


So., 15.09.2013 - 00:19 Permalink

Thanks, yes. The tempo issue is evident. Just fixed it. 

Hmm, is it really fixed? I'm sorry, but I can't confirm that. Looks the same as before (tested on SFE 1.7.1#3).


So., 15.09.2013 - 12:41 Permalink

Express does not support continuous tempo changes. Since a sudden jump from container to container would not make sense, tempo is global. 

Pro supports the full tempo parameter with all bells and whistles.

So., 15.09.2013 - 13:55 Permalink

Ohh, really? Actually I don't use Express too often, therefore I haven't noticed that before. But how does this behaviour fit with the product comparison at the Cognitone webpage?


"Tempo Changes: The Express edition uses a slider and numeric entry to set a fixed tempo per container. "


I think either the description or the software needs a little revision.  ;)

Mo., 16.09.2013 - 00:27 Permalink

with some midis i tested i can't change the soundbanks in the import window... drum-channel is messed up in nearly all midis.
by changing for example a melodic instrument to a drum instrument the figure recognition should be changed automatically in the import.


when i try to merge phrases i always get an error.

Mo., 16.09.2013 - 08:26 Permalink

with some midis i tested i can't change the soundbanks in the import window... drum-channel is messed up in nearly all midis.

Thanks for your feedback. Can you email one or two of these midi files to support at cognitone dot com? Or tell us what program numbers and track names the files use for the drum track? 

Synfire is unable to guess that a track is drums, if its not GM and channel 10. Therefore, unless you follow the GM standard, you will always need to select the desired drum sound yourself. PLUS that sound needs to require channel 10 as its preferred channel. If not, the sound will likely be assigned to a different channel, which most multi-timbral synths interpret as "not a drum kit" (some can not even play drums on a different channel).

So much for the great midi standard ;-) 


This is what you can do:

Review your GM-related DDs and verify that all drum kits require channel 10 as a reserved channel (also the new check "Reserved" switch).