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Midi File Name to Instrument Track


Hi all

When i import a midi file into the library by satic or by normal the file take the name of the GM instruments,not its own name and when you move to the arrangement creating an instrument track the name will be the GM instrument

Is there any way when import a midi file into synfire it conserves its own name,not adapt the GM instrument appropriate which synfire detect?




Do., 17.10.2013 - 11:43 Permalink

It preserves the track names only if they are contained in the midi file. Many files don't. Tracks missing a label in the file will show the GM sound name as a default name.

Do., 17.10.2013 - 12:11 Permalink


Thanks supertonic

Is there any software where you can write the names to force to preserve them when the next times you open it in synfire and recognize them allways ?