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More Dice! (per Instrument)


A possible minor nice-to-have, individual Dice per-instrument:


These would allow for "dicing" just one instrument with just one mouse click.

Ultimately, when we have MIDI Learn to connect hardware controllers (pads, etc.) to Synfire controls this sort of thing becomes even more valuable for live situations.


Do., 01.02.2024 - 00:06 Permalink

And then there is the inverse, individual locks:

Locks would be the one-click way to say "don't roll with the big dice, for now".


Do., 01.02.2024 - 00:12 Permalink

Individual Dice and Locks are in service of 

  1.  lightning-fast auditioning of combinations for later use
  2.  careful specification of evolving change during live performance


Fr., 16.02.2024 - 22:55 Permalink

Two situations I find very common when rolling the Dice   -  

  1.   Drums and bass sound very good together, the rest not-so-much.
  2.   The "rest" sound very good together, drums and bass not-so-much.

I think using individual locks along with individual dice would be the 1-click fastest possible way to keep everything judged good and continue to generate everything that still falls short.


Sa., 17.02.2024 - 11:25 Permalink

There is now a group setting for probability of change. Set that to zero for groups you are happy with.

The popup menu is a bit clumsy currently. We will add an inspector to the sidebar at some point so you merely need a click.