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My Little-big helper "Sonic Visualiser"


i find its very handy
if you need grab progressions from audio data (mp3-wave)
you may want to try this
results very good!

and the plugin


3th in the list "NNLS Chroma and Chordino"

free and no install required

for the plugin
create a folder in the program files (x86) and rename it : "Vamp Plugins"
and extract zip to this folder

Di., 23.10.2012 - 05:13 Permalink

tried it a while back but it didnt seem very precise. does the update bring better accuracy? i seem to get better results using melodyne audio to midi and mashtatic as a filter to get to the core of different audio material.

Di., 23.10.2012 - 16:07 Permalink

i don't know which version did you tried but about more than 2 years , i am using with no problem
also i am using just default settings
in Chordino (Note Representation of Chord Estimate...)