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No free channel available ?


I try to install a Vst GM (engine 1-32 bit)  with a General midi device description, but all the time after retrying for GM  acoustic grand on channel 1 ..i get a wrongsound on channel 4 : GM4 dulcimer on channel 4 for the acoustic grand on channel 1.
Errormessage for channel 1 -No free channel available   

I try to get the libarry sounds working..all other sounds are working except for acoustic grand piano with a wrong dulcimer sound on channel 4

Strange.. there are channels enough.. 16 for a dynamic channel device description for the global rack for the library.

This wrong soundsassignement for channel 1 happens with a drone setup arrangement when choose for using engine 1(=No ), instead for the DAW connection.
The default engine 1 seems to be working normal with the GM device desription and the GM acoustic piano is on channel 1 as it should be.

I made a reinstall for Halion and for the GM, but still the wrong sound on channel 1
How to solve this ?





Sa., 12.12.2015 - 22:57 Permalink

Not sure but could this be to do with your Global Instrument settings? If so, there's an option to tick in the settings 'Swap Programs When Low on MIDI Channels - Also For Global Instruments' 

Sa., 12.12.2015 - 23:41 Permalink


It has to do with the number of Gm acoustic grand channels(instruments) assigned  in Synfire.
I was making a template in Synfire and  had assigned 53 instruments ..channel 1 is a drone instrument and the others are from 2 to 53 are GM acoustic grand sounds.

How the library to force to use the Gm acoustic grand piano, when there are a many GM acoustic grand used for adding a new instrument by default ?