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Numerology by Five 12


Has anyone had any experience working with Five12's Numerology Sequencer program and Synfire Pro?

Di., 18.06.2013 - 14:14 Permalink

I haven't linked them in any way but I have used sequences from Numerology in Synfire. Excellent program with a great dev and support.

Di., 18.06.2013 - 16:29 Permalink

Hi all

Richard;i also have Numerology Pro,is a great tool

As Bagatell i have never linked them;I have linked it with Ableton and works nice

I am waiting for the Nuerology Pro 4 Update because it will have more integration for midi


Di., 18.06.2013 - 17:33 Permalink


Richard,Why do you want to work with Synfire and Numerology Pro together?

I think because you want to enjoy their virtues,magic,functions simultaneously

If this is your answer you are experiencing the same problem with Synfire as me:

To enjoy two DAWs simultaneously you need the proper connection between them,and this is the mIdi ports as IAC drivers in Mac and i think Midi Yoke in Pc to work interactively,to record instantly between them back-fordward

Now,if you want to work between Synfire and Numerology you need to export the midi created in Numerology and import in Synfire to apply it the magic of Synfire

I use Numerology with Ableton by IAC Bus but also,at this moment is not a good tandem,because in numerology you can not record midi or import midi

In the new update 4 this will be possible


Di., 18.06.2013 - 18:31 Permalink

Thank you everyone for this very helpfull information. I will probably wait for version 4 to buy it.

Bummed that there is no Mac version for Catanya.
Is there anything like Catanya for a MAC?