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Odd behavior when moving phrases to a library


If I've created an instrument track and I want to save phrases in library for future use.  I create a new folder in library, and start moving the instrument phrases in one by one.  But SFP gets confused and moves them to the wrong folder. 


Sorry, it took me a second in movie to remember how to make a new folder, but you can see the result. 


see movie...

Do., 18.10.2012 - 16:57 Permalink

You are dropping whole containers :-)

If you want to do that, just rename the folder after you dropped it.

If you want to drop individual phrases only, grab the instrument name from the sheet and drop that.

Do., 18.10.2012 - 18:14 Permalink

Oh my God, I dropped a whole container and didn't even know it.  Luckily nothing spilled.


Yeah, I just tried it again... success
