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Repository listing and template


Find the repository deficient in showing the meaning of information contained in the repository list.
There are no headers showing the meaning of the columns.

Furthermore, I am trying to make an epic orchestra 2.0 sound library ( Vienna libraries ) rack with the VEP server. 
There is a template to download of the epic orchestra 2.0 , but how to create a final device description of the epic orchestra 2.0 for a rack is not clear to me yet?

<The purple Repository items are device templates. The "T" indicates that. They are a collection of sound properties that you can copy into new sounds you create (mostly custom controllers and articulations). You can't use them as a device directly.>

A non-template device description like that prime sound library will be available right away, but don't have this sound library yet to see the working

There are also device descriptors for the sychron sampler (Vienna) in the repository and I have yet to see the operation as well.

Do., 29.06.2023 - 16:13 Permalink

You download a template and keep it for reference in your devices list.

When you create a new DD for a VSL server instance, you add one channel for every sound ("Variants & Channels") and copy the sound properties from the template device (using the template button).

Fr., 30.06.2023 - 13:28 Permalink

Is about Synfire not directly using the Sychron-sized player in a global rack with the use of a template to place instruments in the rack ( 16 maximum).
Looks like Synfire is going to use arrangement racks as template setup for the VEP server. 
So first put the VEP server in action , with the desired instruments outside Synfire
In the case of Epic Orchestra 2, each instrument (a synchron-sized player ( mono timbral) will be assigned ( its own instance).

Now the VEP server can also be used in Cubase with the same instrument setup if you want to continue doing something with it