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The Eurovision Song Contest


Did anyone see it tonight?  I usually sit through it, more for a laugh than the music in most cases, and for the strange acts that appear.  It's all politics these days with regards to the voting, with countries gaining votes from other countries that they like, rather than for any musical qualities.  That's probably why the UK, despite many successes years ago, always finishes near the bottom, no matter how good or bad the entry is!

So this year, a bearded lady from Austria won, singing what sounded like (to me) something that would not seem out-of-place as a James Bond theme-tune.

I actually thought the Netherlands entry was by far the best (did Janamdo write it?), but it came 2nd.

I felt sorry for the two Russian 17-year-old girl twins who got booed every time they received some votes.  But like I said, it's all political these days.

Sun, 2014-05-11 - 10:37 Permalink

To me, it's one of the highlights of the year. Can only be topped, when Bayern plays in the Champions League final. But this year...well, this year we had only one highlight - the Eurovision Contest :lol:

I thought that Austria or Greece would be on top. Well, with Austria I was right but with Greece I was entirely wrong. Netherlands I hadn't expected at all to be on top. But I've never quite understood the voting results.

What I have noticed is that friendship votes for neighbour countries were less than in earlier times. No points from San Marino to Italy, incredible. Only 8 points from Norway to Sweden.



Sun, 2014-05-11 - 22:56 Permalink

The Dutch song had quite a Country feel to it.  I am quite drawn towards a lot of Country music which is probably why I liked it.  One of my favourites being Mississippi by Pussycat which I remember from when I was about 13 or 14 (quite a while ago now!).  I also like a lot of Olivia Newton-John's music, simply because I love her voice (oh, and I fancied her quite a lot when I was younger :))

Anyway, music is only good if YOU like it.  There's nothing else to it other than that really.