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Express Verses Pro version


Express verses Pro

After a few years of using BIAB I finally decided to give Synfire a chance. I have started with Express and was wondering when I finally upgrade to pro how much more easily will it be to accomplish what I want to do in music? I know that’s a broad question, but a lot of the functions are not available in express and I hope that doesn’t hold back my creativity. I know there is a huge learning curve with this software, but once I figure it out I’m excited to the possibilities that it has to offer. So I guess my main point would be how much better is pro verses express?




Mon, 2015-01-12 - 20:21 Permalink

Welcome to the user forum!

Whether you need a particular Pro feature is difficult to tell until you first want to use it. Express already offers most of the unique features that make Synfire what it is. Pro adds notation export, lyrics, unlimited instruments and more, as you can see in detail here: (

There's no penalty for upgrading, so you can start with Express now and upgrade to Pro later, if you eventually learn you need its features.

The only moving target is the EUR/USD exchange rate, which however is currently at a historically low (good for US buyers: almost 20% lower than last summer).

Thu, 2015-01-15 - 04:53 Permalink

Hi...  welcome..  I started with Harmony Navigator.  But when I noticed the additional features in Synfire Pro.. I had to get it..  It really opens your mind on how to create music.  Having used Express, it shouldn't be a total shock.. There is a lot to learn..  but have patience and look at it like a long term investment.  


Some of the features of Synfire Pro inspired me, and I can do some of the stuff in Logic, by hand from what I learned with SFP..  I too used BIAB for many years. And still use it sometimes.