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Meaning of the chordprogression color in the songexample 1 ?


With all that coloring of the chords in the pallette i am wondering what is the connection of the chord coloring in the progression editor for the :

-intro-> green ..Aminor

-verse + bridge-> green.-> Aminor

-chorus-> brown--> Cmajor

-intro ( = ending)-> green-> Aminor


Ok.. green and brown..two different scales
Perhaps there are some colors assigned to a scale ?

- Aminor= light green
- Cmajor= light brown
There are the standard scales: Major, minor( natural, harmonic,melodic)

Wait the circle of fifth diagram shows the scale colors !, but it is difficult to see there
Conclusion : every scale has his own color..ok but when i choos Eb on the circle of fifth the palette shows all green seems that the coloring of the circle of fiths diagram is not related with the coloring of the palette?'

Major and minor scales do have the same color on the palette for default coloring : green

But the problem is that the colors on the circle of fifth diagram seems to differentiate not much,and i dont know a name for it

I try to follow the palette with the


Strange the brown color for the it seems that all colorssytems for the :

- circle of fifth

- palette

- song progrsssioneditor

are not related!


Wed, 2012-01-04 - 17:53 Permalink

Colors in the progression and circle of 5th are absolute (global). They are using the same colors. The chord color shows the place of the horizontal scale in the circle of 5th.  You can not change the colors.

Colors in the palette are relative and cutomizable. You can change the colors to any scheme you like.

Thu, 2012-01-05 - 00:11 Permalink

My conclusion was that the coloring of the circle of fifth , palette and chord progression are not related

Is this correct?
The colors of the palette has nothing to do with the circle of fifth and the chord editor

Colors in the progression and circle of 5th are absolute (global). They are using the same colors. 

Ok, but this says nothing about their relation, or am i wrong? 
If a choose a particular scale than is this color choosen for the progression editor, well i try out