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Synfire 2 - Sound overwrite when using figure


Hello, it's me again ..

When I insert a harmony to a container, it overwrites the existing sound. Is that correct or a bug or do I something wrong?

In the picture below, first there was a piano. After dragging it, it became "Warm pad"

Tue, 2022-10-18 - 13:10 Permalink

Nah. That's a bug. It should at least ask.

If you drag the Harmony parameter instead of the pool, it works as intended.

Tue, 2022-10-18 - 15:12 Permalink

I tried also from the "Harmony". It worked the first time. But the second time it also overwrote my instrument.

By the way it asks sometimes some questions what to replace etc. The wording is a bit confusing if it says "accept root container Scheme from phrase" - which phrase  - the source or target? or what is a scheme? The Signature like 4:4? And what does it mean? Maybe a clearer wording would help.

Maybe something like "Do you want to overwrite existing scheme (Signature)?"