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Ongoing Synfire 2.0 Relases

Tue, 2022-11-08 - 17:03 Permalink

with all the links in the text in blue you are jumping  around

Well, you just need to resist clicking on the links ;-) Then you have something very close to a PDF, if you follow the table of contents on the left sidebar in each top-level chapter.

We still have problems including the application's icons with the PDF. Otherwise making the PDF is a 100% automated task. At some point we will figure out.

Tue, 2022-11-08 - 18:52 Permalink


Today I was working only  on the top part (melody /Arp) of your piano arrangement .  I played with parameters and the end result from the export midifile in the DAW with Serum Synth as overlay is nice.   So not using  the chords and  Bass from Synfire.  The original  pitch is lost during the import process and to use and adjust it in the DAW will take a lot of time and it will still sound a bit  off.

The snippet feature is nice. I can place several phrases with different parameters in the slots and listen.   

Tue, 2022-11-08 - 19:00 Permalink

A bug regarding the tempo indicator, I suppose: The display field next to the transport bar does not show the actual tempo during playback. Instead it shows the tempo value of the currently selected container. Which is ok as long as playback is stopped. During playback it should show the actual tempo, I guess.


Tue, 2022-11-08 - 19:54 Permalink

The track sheet also has a Global Parameters track. Surprisingly you can also enter instrument related parameters there, such as figure, transpose, etc. Does that make sense? Obviously those parameters cannot produce any sound, as no instrument can be assigned to the Global Parameters track.

Edit: That's interesting: If you enter a transpose parameter into the Global Parameters track it seems to affect all instruments. Then for some parameters it makes sense indeed. 

Tue, 2022-11-08 - 20:09 Permalink

At playback, the "Follow Parameter Trace" for the Tempo parameter works only if an instrument is selected, but not if the Global Parameters track is selected. 

That's enough bugs for today. I will be quiet now :)

Tue, 2022-11-08 - 23:13 Permalink

Andre,  amazing good results in DAW. 

The original Midi Track1 with cut out the Top Melody /Arp notes

playing with

Export from Synfire midi  on Daw Serum Track2  melody/Arp phrase with parameter variation strong (no repeat). 

or with

Export from Synfire on Daw  Serum Track3  the melody/Arp phrase with Edit (moving) Figures up or down (no repeat)  


Wed, 2022-11-09 - 17:58 Permalink

That's interesting: If you enter a transpose parameter into the Global Parameters track it seems to affect all instruments.

It works for all parameters. Not many users seem to use this though. 

Wed, 2022-11-09 - 19:17 Permalink

It works for all parameters. 

Yep. In the meantime, I have found that out, too. And it is actually a quite useful feature. You can use it for example for layeríng sounds. Place a figure in the global track and all instruments of the arrangement will play it. Just as you would create a complex sound with multiple voices in a synth. And then, of course, you have the possibility to edit every single voice of this layered sound with the individual parameters. Very nice.

That's the nice thing about this software, you always discover something new even after years. And sometimes a supposed bug turns out to be a feature :)

Thu, 2022-11-10 - 17:08 Permalink

Particularly useful for setting a default interpretation for all instruments to start with.

Thu, 2022-11-10 - 19:37 Permalink

Hi Andre

When selecting a Figure and pressing Ctrl+E to copy it to the Library, the Figure is copied but does not keep the value
Tempo = 90.
The Figure is always inserted with a Tempo value = 120 bpm.

I think it's a mistake.


Thu, 2022-11-10 - 23:02 Permalink

@ Nick , You are right that the manual for Synfire 2 falls short for the new uses to understand the operation of Synfire

Fri, 2022-11-11 - 00:42 Permalink

Leaving the Chords and Bass unchanged in the Daw and work only on the top Melody /Arp and export to the DAW is very Basic.  You can not work on the Harmony because that is fixed in the DAW (by leaving the Chords and Bass intakt) .  

See that Reaper 6.69 will support Rewire . 

Fri, 2022-11-11 - 13:57 Permalink

Loenser,  You have windows?

In isnt funcionally for me with CTRL-E 

Dont copy Phrase  to library. 

Fri, 2022-11-11 - 17:14 Permalink

Thanks for reporting the Command-E issue. It's a bug.

For anything to be copied to the library, you need to select a Span in the phrase or parameter.

Fri, 2022-11-11 - 17:16 Permalink

Hi, Mach55

Yes, my version is Synfire v2 on Windows.

In the STRUCTURE window, open <Embedded Library>. View <Image_01.jpg>

Select the <Span> Tool.

Select the Figure or part of the Figure that we want to extract to the Library. View <Image_02.jpg>

Press <Ctrl + E> and the Figure will be inserted into the <Embedded Library>. See <Image_03.jpg>


Fri, 2022-11-11 - 18:24 Permalink
Very grateful for the help of my colleagues. They are the most-Congratulations

Sat, 2022-11-12 - 10:43 Permalink

Hi Andre


I'm using the latest pro version on macbook pro (just to address the specific build and platform) there is something unpleasant with the container, main container specifically, attempting to resizing it there is no visual way to precisely adjust it to specific bar/time, not any kind of indicator in the timeline or ghost shaped to show where it goes and snap to a logical point something like that.

Wed, 2022-11-16 - 12:49 Permalink


Finished the edit off Synfire 1 manual.  Time now to see some (old) YT videos. The one from you (containers and parameters)  give a right direction the way to go. Make an other smaller container and put parameters and even a harmony (cancel out the global harmony for that part) .    What I noticed with Synfire 2  that the smaller container will be inside the main container. (seems to be default now)  Will do the job but with Synfire1 in your video it is under the main container.

So working on your From piano midi encoded by you (Thanks)  I made the Harmony Cm for the whole main container ( same as you did in your video parameters in containers.  What is happening . In Synfire I hear  an other  kind of melody , chords and Bass.  Have to export midi to the Daw to see the results compare to the one with the one having the full Harmony in the container.  And what will be presented on the Chord track in Cubase??   Is it Cm  or will Cubase  decode  the exported midi from the Synfire phrases to a harmony??

While watching some old Synfire 1 YT videos( the one from Blue Phoenix on  Harmonizing Bass is great ). Reading manual on Auto Bass , Auto Chord in Synfire is not clear but in this video it is explained very well . Also how to  prepare a audio to midi file for import in Synfire . ( Legato setting in Ableton , cancel the Velosity . )

Wed, 2022-11-16 - 14:24 Permalink

Have to look in the manuals   Synfire 1 and 2 on Auto bass Auto chords . Nothing . Then analyse the YT video from 6 years ago and his mouse go to interpretation and then Auto Bass. (Not shure if this is a pro feature it is under morphing that is Pro only) .  Will see if it is in Synfire 2. Also he is adjusting the range. So it is not an fast and easy procedure but quit uniek

Edit:  Yes working in Synfire 2. Amazing . It is short in the online manual search Auto-Bass  and Auto-Chords  .  Who is typing the - ??

Wed, 2022-11-16 - 17:26 Permalink

Amazing is happening in the Daw after Synfire export the Auto-Bass and Auto-Chord midi.  By adding figure(s) on the track it will getting wild.  With only one strait line as figure you will hear the Bass tone changing. (With Midi we see a line and hear only one Bass tone). With Synfire you see a line but you have also to look at the harmony track on top  that will result in a rhythm of changing Bass tones in scale.  And it can go wilder with changing parameters. Humans can not understand what is going on  but it is no problem for Andre female AI  assistant KIM .  



Wed, 2022-11-16 - 23:00 Permalink

import and decode a piano midifile in Synfire will create a progression track . Decode the  piano audiofile  in Cubase will  generate a chord track.  We can see differences.  What I noticed is that the chord change  is not always on the beat Grid.  The simple figures we draw in Synfire are normaly on the grid.  And then you will notice a bit strange flow in the Daw.  You will hear the step in the harmony and the step from the figures.  Ok it is key .   I noticed  in the progression track you have settings  Quantize and grid 1,2,4,8,16,32 that put the progression more on the grid.   Have not looked if Cubase have a simular setting.     

Wed, 2022-11-16 - 23:07 Permalink

Yes  but  you have to watch Blue Phoenix YT video from 6  (yes six) years ago.   Be aware that your progression is on the grid before starting draw some simple Bass or chord figures

Thu, 2022-11-17 - 05:37 Permalink

Synfire 2.0.12 Build#4 on Mac M1 MacMini:

The very valuable function to add "Bemerkungen" (german, not sure of name in english locale) to a container seems flaky.

I added text, then moved to another container added there text,and when I moved back to first container the text was lost or partly lost.

Please try to reproduce.