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Will it be possible in the future to use SFP libraries in HN2 ?


As i understand SFP accept HN2 libraries, but it goes not the other way around ( backwards compatibility ) HN2 accepts not SFP libraries

Will there be coming a fix for HN2 that i can load SFP libraries into HN2 ?

Di., 21.08.2012 - 21:14 Permalink

Synfire uses a different, more capable format for libraries. HN2 can not make use of this.

Di., 21.08.2012 - 21:25 Permalink


Is there no converter phrase module possible ? 

The only possibility left is than that the SFP library by the creators of this library will be made for HN2

Basis are midi files, so if they can give the midi files, than i convert them to HN2
But perhaps does someone keep this ( by laborious work assembled ) for himself..understandable