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C lydian intro by bypassing interpretation parameter..but the note pitches are not correct


I made a palette with C lydian scale and for this  bypass the Interpretation, because there are no chords involved.

Than i dropped the first C chord of the palette on the progression ( i don't know at forehand,what chord type belongs to this C lydian scale on the first degree ( first step of the scale)--> cannot find this..but is a side issue. )


The chord progression shows as information:

  • C.lydian.h as horizontal scale

    G major as global scale

This arrangement is meant for to be  performed in the C lydian scale, but  is now performed in the Key of G major ?
When i click on the progression on the bypassed C hord ( acts only for me about information of the used scale/ key)

It seems that although the figure is set on bypass interpretation after dropping a c hord of the palette the key becomes a global G major key.


Only when i removed the progression than it sounds like a c lydian scale with the right pitch.
But now there is no information anymore in Synfire about the used C lydian scale ?
When it is only one scale for the palette  i can see the horizontal scale name on it, but suppose i use a scaleset with more than one scale ?  
