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midi latency problem


i just  got harmony advanced ..But the problem is with midi.Where do i fix the problem that when i hit the notes i hear the sound at the same time..I work with reason 8. have a presonus audio midibox.and roland jv1000 as keybord.Those programs work perfect.But i want to work in harmony  and create figures myself.....If it is not possible is it possible to work with harmony trough reason? Hope someone can help me


Mo., 22.02.2016 - 20:35 Permalink

On Windows, the default GS Wavetable Synth has a huge latency. Unfortunalety we can not change that, because it's Microsoft code. With external sound generators, you get better response times.

You can send HN2 MIDI output to Reason via a virtual MIDI cable, e.g. LoopBe30 or similar:



Be sure to make Reason listen on the same loopback port you send to.