Taking Back The World
Now it's time for Pop. I've written this song many years ago with an early version of Synfire, long before it became available to the public. Today Synfire is way more powerful (...)
Now it's time for Pop. I've written this song many years ago with an early version of Synfire, long before it became available to the public. Today Synfire is way more powerful (...)
This fragment is basically just the root container with a few phrases. Listen an see how far an arrangement as minimal as this can go.
Mehr als jede andere Software konfrontiert dich Synfire mit den wesentlichen Fragen der Kreativität. Was tust du, um deine Kreativität in Gang zu bringen?
For orchestral arrangements it is inevitable that overlapping melodic lines (chords, harmony) can be distributed across instruments based on pitch. What is the best way to do this?
About importing and refining a library of building blocks that can be used as a construction kit orchestral and hybrid soundtrack music. This ongoing project will be updated incrementally until the library is finished.
In addition to bug fixes and other improvements, one major improvement will stand out with the coming 2.1. update.
I have no idea why the rider is pale or where and why she's actually riding, but since this arrangement lends itself so fantastically to Snippets sessions, I updated it and published a remix as one of the new Synfire examples.
Inspired by current A.I. art, I wanted to illustrate this orchestral track with pictures and need some input from you. What comes to my mind is a departure (as the title suggests) (...)
Great example of a minimalist style with maximum effect. I thought you might also enjoy his music, as I do while nonstop programming Synfire 2.0. Awesome stuff for such a young artist (...)
Although there's still a long way to go, I will begin sharing the first sneak previews into what's going on behind the scenes, starting this weekend. So be sure to check out (...)
Extremely cool upright bass solo here. I just came across this while programming a similar style for the upcoming generative algos. Erm, it won't be quite as exciting as this live performance (...)
Benutzer, die Synfire zum ersten Mal benutzen, erwarten oft, dass es wie eine DAW funktioniert. Der Unterschied ist in der Tat auf den ersten Blick schwer zu erkennen, zumindest bis man die (...)
Künstliche Intelligenz gibt es schon seit Jahrzehnten, aber erst seit kurzem sind neuronale Netze, insbesondere Deep Learning, wieder ein heißes Thema. Ich möchte dir einen kleinen Einblick in die Sichtweise von Cognitone zu diesem Thema geben und dir zeigen, was wir derzeit in Bezug auf neue intelligente Funktionen für Synfire tun.
This is an example song featuring 10 instances of Sprike and no other synth (except a drum preset from Soundcase). So this is a real demo of what you can do with (...)
Enjoying Sprike already? We'd love to hear some feedback and encourage you to explore it and create some new sounds. We'd love to hear them! I should note that Synfire 1.8 is (...)
This is by far the best composed trailer in the electronic genre I've heard for many years. I was immediately blown away. Maybe it's just me, but it reminds me of the (...)
This new video focusses on how Synfire relates to and deals with counterpoint techniques, that are mainly used for orchestral music (although almost every musical genre makes use of it, actually). (...)
Over the weekend I spent a couple hours analysing the code of Synfire Pro using the tool Code City by Richard Wettel. As I know some of you are familiar with or (...)