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After Import - Quantize Phrases, Delete Phrases



Consider a MIDI file import that has been done with 'Create Phrase Pools' on, with results like so:

Depending on the goal (now or later), two things that one might want to do are

  1.  Delete all the Phrases/Chunks, leaving just the Master Take  -  this would be desired when you want to have chunks be of a different size than first created.    IOW, you want to discard the original set of chunks and use Auto-Split or Divide to create a new set.
  2.   Quantize everything - e.g. the Master Take and all the existing chunks.  This would be needed when, for example, the incoming data is all "slightly leading" the barlines but for Synfire purposes we want all the data to be aligned "on" the barlines.  

These operations are desirable to be done on the whole Phrase Pool, hence it seems the menu shown above would be a good place to put them (and allow keyboard shortcuts too).

Also, in general, one may not want Auto-Split or Divide to result in the deletion of the Master Take.  I know I usually don't.   I would prefer the default behavior of those ops to leave Master Take alone.  This jibes with the notion "Don't delete anything unless explicitly say so!", which I broadly endorse.