Hi, I used to be able to load the Surge synth into synfire and it worked ok, used it on a few songs but over time I noticed that it does not work anymore and those songs don't load it. I noticed it stopped working around 2.4 and then Surge updated to Surge-XT, I've tried the instructions on the post about the scannedplugins.xml and the scanner.log file but no amount of inputs I add to surge-XT will make it work. I can see it in my synfire vst plugins list but when I try to load it nothing happens. This is where I last left the files, though I tried many variations.
Scanner.log:Surge XT (VST3)
Default: [In: Stereo ] [Out: Stereo Discrete #0 Discrete #0 ]
Selected: [In: Stereo ] [Out: Stereo Discrete #0 Discrete #0 ]
Channels: [2, 2]
<PLUGIN name="Surge XT" format="VST3" category="Instrument|Synth" manufacturer="Surge Synth Team"
version="1.3.1" file="C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Surge Synth Team\Surge XT.vst3\Contents\x86_64-win\Surge XT.vst3"
uniqueId="190e4fbd" isInstrument="1" fileTime="18d7ff73d30" infoUpdateTime="18f78c363f5"
numInputs="2" numOutputs="2" isShell="0" hasARAExtension="0"
uid="f3b82eb0" identifier="VST3-Surge XT-1e1bcfb-190e4fbd" enabled="1">
<BUS index="0" layout="L R"/>
<BUS index="0" layout="L R"/>
<BUS index="1" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="2" layout="disabled"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PLUGIN name="Surge XT" manufacturer="Surge Synth Team" format="VST3"
version="1.*" os="*" numInputs="2" numOutputs="2" enabled="1"/>
<BUS index="0" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="1" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="2" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="3" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="0" layout="L R"/>
<BUS index="1" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="2" layout="disabled"/>
<BUS index="3" layout="disabled"/>
Mi., 15.05.2024 - 10:50 Permalink
The scanner detected one stereo input, one stereo output and two disabled mono outputs. That's four output channels, but the plugin only reports two.
Copy the XML from the scanned plugins file and merely change numOutputs=4. That might do the trick.
VST3 plugins are prone to reporting strange channel configurations. Most plugins do it right, but there are some that cause issues. That's why we have the overrides XML.