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Closed/Reopened Project and Now Sounds Are Missing


I saved and closed a project then reopened it several hours later. Most of the instruments refuse to generate any midi.

So I rebuit the rack, then deleted all the pause edits I'd done prior, deleted all volume parameters so everything is default.

I can still play the keyboard and hear output for each of the instruments, and some instruments playback normally, but most are just sitting there doing nothing even with active figures.

I've quit the DAW and reopened, quite Synfire and reopened. Remade parts of the DAW template, checked the VEPro setup, and everything appears just as it was before. Just no midi is going out since reopening this project.

I'm not sure what else to check. A different project loads and plays just fine, so it seems like maybe this project has gotten corrupted somehow. Hope not.

What else might be going on?

So., 06.03.2016 - 06:52 Permalink

Not sure how but the missing instruments had drones that were set to 'Local' instead of 'Merged'.  

I don't remember doing it but I'm pretty sure I did this to myself, still being clumsy exporting large stacks of midi.

So., 06.03.2016 - 11:44 Permalink

did you drag/export any midi out of the drones/synfire into the daw? If you do this the drones switch to local to play from the midi in the daw rather than generated by synfire?

So., 06.03.2016 - 18:42 Permalink

Hey Blacksun,

I think I exported MIDI into the drones and then saved the template I use for Synfire stuff, although there were no midi events in the template when I reopened.  Then again, I'm using the new version of Studio One and it has an issue with tracks at the moment.

Thanks for the assist :)