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Program Pattern Changes Using Plugin AAS GS-Strum


I'm playing guitar strum patterns using the plugin GS-Strum. I can't seem to find a way to change the pattern duing my arrangement (which is done using keys C0 to B0.) If I was using a DAW I would put the corresponding midi note at the place where I want to change patterns. With Synfire, I'm stumped but will keep trying things.

In my first container I'm using a pattern controlled by the key E0. In the second container I'd like to change the pattern to C0.

I've tried doing it using notes that are Absolute Pitched but that isn't working. (how a DAW would work) I've also tried to use one of the Custom Controls to pass the midi # to each container. (maybe I'm not understanding how to do that)but that isn't working. I've also tried setting up two instances of the instrument but that doesn't work either.

I get pattern A in both containers if that is what is set at the beginning of the arrangement or pattern B if that is what is set at the beginning of the arrangment.

If anyone has a suggestion it would be much appreciated.

Thanks, David

Sa., 07.01.2017 - 04:13 Permalink

The other way you can do it is edit the device description (sound settings), you can then add in the keyswitches and give them names. Once thats done you can apply them to the figures you want to play each pattern

Sa., 07.01.2017 - 19:24 Permalink

Thank you for the first two answers. I'm sure one of them will work for me.

To answer #3 - what are called articulations? (I know what articulations are when referring to a specific instrument, i.e legato, staccato, etc. but I'm not sure what you mean in regards to this discussion.) I'm guessing that you're referring to using the articulation functions within Synfire to control pattern changes?

Anyway, Synfire is a deep program. I'm still finding functions, tricks as I go. Thank you everyone for participating and helping nubes like me get going.

Di., 10.01.2017 - 14:12 Permalink

I'm guessing that you're referring to using the articulation functions within Synfire to control pattern changes?
