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Recording Issue

Do., 16.10.2014 - 13:13 Permalink

Because the data flow needs to go like this:

MIDI Keyboard -> DAW -> Drone -[TCP/IP]-> Synfire

Ah, that could be it.  Juergen asked me the question last night, but I didn't pick up on it.

My input port for the track GI-Piano is set to the Cognitone Drone.  Perhaps it should be set to the MIDI keyboard?  I will try this later.

Do., 16.10.2014 - 23:39 Permalink

Well, I just quickly tested this.  I set the Input button on the drone in Synfire (as I did in the GIF but was getting no sound) but this time I set the midi input on the Cubase track to my keyboard.  I got sound this time but when recording I still get the delay the same as before.

I'll try Blacksun's suggestions when I've got some more time tomorrow.

Fr., 17.10.2014 - 09:54 Permalink

I set the Input button on the drone in Synfire (as I did in the GIF but was getting no sound) but this time I set the midi input on the Cubase track to my keyboard.  I got sound this time but when recording I still get the delay the same as before.

No, I didn't mean that you should set the input on the Cubase track on your keyboard. Setting it on the drone output would be ok, but I was just wondering why that track did not receive MIDI input data. That means that the drone does not forward the MIDI data, if the MIDI input is set to the drone which seems rather strange to me. 

I personally record very rarely something via keyboard (almost never, to be exact). Therefore I do not have much experience here. But I know that this latency issue already was discussed much some time ago. As a result, then the "Use Audio Engine for MIDI input" option was introduced, which - if I have understood correctly - causes that the MIDI data get timestamps.

I assume that recording MIDI via drone would work as well as via Audio Engine. But if you don't get it to work via drone you will probably remain with the latency issue. 

In the video you have checked both inputs, at the drone and at your Pro14 Midi Port. I can't say if that's ok or not but maybe this creates a competitive situation? Have you tried what happens if you check only the input of the drone?


Fr., 17.10.2014 - 10:41 Permalink

Hi Juergen

The reason I tried setting the input on Cubase to the keyboard is because of Andre's diagram which said MIDI Keyboard > DAW (etc.).  I must admit I'm getting a bit confused now, the problem is I don't understand the process flow so it's always a case of trial and error.

I record a lot from the keyboard, particularly melody ideas and rhythmic patterns.  At the moment, I'm having to record and then drag the take back to where it should be, and it isn't always ideal.  Another option would be to start the engine, load a device, record, stop the engine and copy the figure to a drone track.  You see, I don't get the latency issues recording through the engine, but doing all that seems like a lot of hard work!

It's possible that an option for recording into transient drones may be needed, similar to the one introduced for the engine.

I did also try un-checking the Pro 14 input in Synfire as you suggested.  The result was that no figures were created after recording.

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 12:16 Permalink

 I installed two fixed transient drones in Cubase 7.5 and the midi timing seems to be normal for each midi channel when i record this with my korg nanokey2 controller keyboard.
Next challence is to get the global sounds in Cubase ( metronome and pallette/chords/etc) ..how to route this in Cubase as a multitimbral vsti.
There is a necessity to have a GM rack in Cubase for the library also
So puzzle along with me further to get this working   :-)

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 13:14 Permalink

How much midi out available for 64 bit transient drone ?  ( 4 midi out ? ) ( for 32 bit drone i do see 16 )
Suppose if there are 4 midi outs for 64 bit- how to make a multitimbral drone with 16 channels? 

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 13:14 Permalink

Jan, I'm pleased for you that you're not having the timing issues that I'm having.  But you're hijacking the thread again with unrelated topics. Please can you start another thread regarding setting up multi timbral instruments and GM drones?

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 13:24 Permalink

No intention to hijack ofcourse .. I thought it was maybe related..but i start another thread: 16 multi timbral transient drone setup.
Do you have no timing issues with the fixed channels as i understand ?  

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 16:44 Permalink

Do you have no timing issues with the fixed channels as i understand ?

The drones are all fixed channels (apart from the GM drone).  The only time I don't get timing issues with Synfire is if I use the engine.

Sa., 18.10.2014 - 18:35 Permalink

What Vsti are used for transient drones then?
I have used Halion Sonic with two drones as test and used the input transformer in Cubase 7.5 in local mode
I have selected two midi channels for the Halion sonic in the midi tab


Sa., 18.10.2014 - 18:53 Permalink

If iwas you i should start with testing two fixed channels setup and narrow the problem down
Then test out the midi timing
Can be tricky with Halion Sonic Vsti to choose two midi channels for each one 

Di., 21.10.2014 - 17:30 Permalink

I setup a GM transient module in Cubase a Fixed Sounds transient module and a Mixed Mode transient module ( combining midi and not-midi sounds )( i am working on this one now)
Synfire and Cubse are not in Sync so you must correct this in the project menu
No midi timing problems for a recorded channel in Synfire