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Guitar chords


Some instruments like guitar accompaniments not match chords progression.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks friends

So., 25.01.2015 - 18:48 Permalink

If you drop a guitar library phrase into the default arrangement..the chord progression it is not fitting for the guitar phrase( not good sounding )
You can pull the harmony and tempo parameter from the library onto the parameter block for harmony and  tempo for those two parameters.
Now you get the right guitar phrase to hear in the arrangement ( the same as in the library ) 

So., 25.01.2015 - 20:04 Permalink

Thanks for your time  Janando

Is good to have friends so expert like you.

Mo., 26.01.2015 - 11:44 Permalink

Ensure the Figure is not static (brown symbols). This can happen when you accidentally drag the Take over to an arrangement's Figure parameter.

Mo., 26.01.2015 - 15:38 Permalink

André can explain step by step how to do this process. Sorry but I can not get good results with guitar chord-progression following Thanked by concern the forum.

Do., 29.01.2015 - 10:46 Permalink

Can you post a screenshot of the guitar phrase Figure? I need to know what it looks like.