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Midi control of insert



I wonder if it's possible to midi control an insert effect in SFP.

I see that if I start to add a device description for the insert (AU of Zynaptiq Pitchmap) it gives me options for cc and program change, but I wonder what the flow of midi is in that rack module.

I would like to send chords midi to Pitchmap, and static notes to the plugin preceding it.


Do., 29.09.2016 - 10:06 Permalink

the flow is not in the rack module. it goes from your arrangement to the fx plugin directly. just add a track with that device to your arrangement ;-)

Do., 29.09.2016 - 11:16 Permalink

Aha! So simple :) 

I'm excited to try this out now. A sampler plugin routed through an instance of Pitchmap following the harmony opens up lots of possibilities. Great plugin.

Thanks for the answer, I'm really only finally learning SFP now after a year of having it. You'll be hearing more stupid questions from me very soon.