Hi there,
On Windows 10, I'm trying to demo HN2 LE but have not yet been able to open the software. When starting the program, I get an error message - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and I get the option to Quit or Continue.
Clicking Continue, I can see HN2Demo (32bit) appear in the Task Manager, but the program doesn't actually show on the desktop.
Would really like to try this.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 09:09 Permalink
thanks for reporting. developers will check this today.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 09:36 Permalink
before you install you need to extract the download to a new directory. dont run setup.exe inside the zip. also be sure your have admin rights with the windows user account that installs the demo.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 10:46 Permalink
Thanks for the quick response. I tried as suggested.. please see the attached jpeg.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 12:28 Permalink
please uninstall the broken previous install with windows control panel first. should work after that.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 13:35 Permalink
no luck unfortunately. I uninstalled the previous installation. i also searched the regedit for 'cognitone' and deleted all instances found. Clicking on the unzipped setup file, there are 2 different behaviours. 1. the installer flashes on screen for a second and then disappears or 2. The setup starts, but I get the same error message that I attached in the previous post.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 15:31 Permalink
the extracted files dont seem to be complete. i can not see 'check.exe'. and there's another downloaded zip in there. best maybe you delete the folder and extract the zip again to the default folder name suggested by windows.
Do., 28.09.2017 - 15:52 Permalink
Thx for the suggestions, I have the check.exe file and have allowed the zip file to unzip to its preferred location. Behaviour is the same, unfortunately.
Thx for the help. Maybe there's nothing to be done here..