This update turned out to be more heavy-weight than expected. There are some hot goodies in it (highlighted) that you may want to have a closer look at. We are now going to derive Express and Sparks and hope to be able to release the full family soon. Pending bugs and glitches will be resolved incrementally as usual.
Folks that saw their sound output disappear on Windows while working with multiple audio programs should try Playback >> Reclaim Devices and report back if it helps.
Some of the device and sound management was streamlined (long overdue) in the hope that there will be less issues with sound assignment in the future. If you still encounter problems, post them here so we can fix it before the full release.
- Audio Engine 4.2.1
- Audio Engine: Streamlined device handling and sound allocation
- Experimental (Windows): Reclaim audio/midi devices with Playback >> Reclaim Devices
- Keyboard Shortcut Preferences: Added a search field for quick lookup
- Live Chords/Bass selection not immediately audible
- Overview: Ability to copy/cut/paste phrases
- Overview: Fixed wrong timeline offset
- Overview: Phrase labels not responding to track selection correctly
- Editing: Preview final result while drawing values (!)
- Editing: Preview Velocity while altering Figure with mouse gestures (!)
- Editing: Improved Gestalt/Shape tool (!)
- Editing: Fixed inconsistencies with Undo/Redo
- Editing: Grid outlet should be dark only when no grid applies at all
- Editing: Ability to abort a drawing in progress with ESC
- Editing: Modifier key for extending/adding to a selection changed to SHIFT
- Editing: Improved ordering of tools on editor toolbar
- Editing: Fixed issue with shaping Rhythm parameter
- Editing: Allowing duplicate values should be a preference per parameter type
- Editing: Moving a segment should snap the anchor to the grid, not the mouse pointer
- Editing: Drop phrase should ask whether to replace an existing (invisible) phrase
- Notation Export: Dedication should be blank by default
- Notation Export: Improved split & tie
- Notation Export: Split tuplet brackets along beam groups where that is preferable
- Notation Export: Fixed several crashes
- Layout: Zoom phrase editor to full size in arrange view by default
- Layout: Show click board by default (can be disabled in Preferences)
- Windows: Scrollbar handles look odd
- Adding a first instrument should not default to a null sound
- Fixed an issue with tooltips consuming too much CPU
- Fixed issues with opening and reloading Sketches
- Fixed a crash with converting a container to a Sketch
- Transport Play button should not indicate instant audio feedback
- Rack Module Preset: Browser should have New Folder menu item enabled
- Rack Module Preset: Fixed issue with saving under a new name
- Rendering: Notes were cut short after last chord in Harmony
- Device Editor: Option to add current fixed channel as a (template) sound to the device
- Figure Inspector: Unsupported articulation should still show up in menu with a warning
- Graphics: Fixed minor drag & drop issues
- Graphics: Improved font selection and positioning on Windows
- Graphics: Wrong font selection for input fields
- Factories: Don't list System.Core unless it contains usable factories
- Factories: Delete, paste, duplicate a phrase should not play the next available phrase
- Library: Restore full selection state in phrase pool after re-opening arrangement
- Inspector: Sound details opened/closed should be same for all tracks
- Fixed problem with updating arrangement device with more recent global version
- Layout: Phrase editor on Overview page should not be zoomed by default
- Global Rack should be persistent immediately after File >> New
- Transform Menu: Dynamics was permanently disabled
- Fixed multiple issues with sound browser
- Fixed a lot of sound allocation issues
- Arrange: Indicator showing if instrument is used as global Bass/Chords
- Broad streamlining of rack and device management
- Warn if a device is still being used before deleting it
- Changed format of custom device identifiers for better usability
- Should be able to enter any time signature in inspector
- Tempo Tap-in function was broken
- Windows: Install icon fonts with the main installer
- Fixed various crashes as per submitted reports
- Startup: Don't show Sprike hint before Synfire is fully up
So., 26.06.2022 - 19:36 Permalink
Ran into problems when generating a new download.
So., 26.06.2022 - 20:40 Permalink
Please try again.
So., 26.06.2022 - 20:53 Permalink
Great! Now it works! :)
So., 26.06.2022 - 21:24 Permalink
Apart from all the hardcore code streamlining under the hood that nobody can see anyway, my personal favorite are the new Line, Freehand and Shape tools. A few days of coding well spent on extra comfort we can enjoy for years to come. Beat me to it that this didn't come to fruitition earlier, but some things take their time to eventually see the light of day.
Check them out with a grid active. Also try resizing symbols and segments and all the stuff. Oh, and editing velocity and controllers also got a lot more convenient. Did you know you can use the Symbols tool for them too? And multiple-selections of individual data points?
So., 26.06.2022 - 23:53 Permalink
Just downloaded 2.0.6. Synfire crashes whenever I try to open the Example Phrase Library. I've submitted a crash report.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 00:38 Permalink
Thanks for this update.
Can I check, when dragging a library item to the arrangement, it copies the device definition from the global rack. Expected behaviour: copy the device definition from the library rack.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 12:16 Permalink
Thanks for the quick reports. Large parts of code have been rewritten, so there might be undiscovered issues lingering, especially with opening older files. Gladly those can be fixed with a patch (it's online already).
Expected behaviour: copy the device definition from the library rack
Well observed. At first I thought it should at least ask. Although the user always has the option to update the device from the global original at any time, so copying the library device will be fine.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 12:26 Permalink
Hi Andre, the problem is that if the library device definition differs from the global one, we lose the definition, because it copies the global one. Let's say I have two libraries with slightly different versions of the device definition. I don't always want to use the same global definition for the device.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 14:37 Permalink
Too many versions of the same device make things complicated, because merging them back into one is hard. Therefore I always edit/extend the global original and update local copies as needed.
But that's not in conflict with your suggestion. After copying the device from the library, you can still push the "Update Device Copy" button at any time.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 14:48 Permalink
How do I copy the device from the library? There doesn't seem to be an option to do this? Only to select a preset or copy preset from the global device list when dragging and dropping a library instrument:
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 16:00 Permalink
The next update will do as you suggested.
I now realize that Save As... should propbably be enabled in order to be able to "export" private devices. This was not possible prior to 2.0.6. There is no reason anymore to block this function.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 18:17 Permalink
Thanks Andre. So when dragging and dropping a sound from a library to the arrangement it will have the option to copy the associated library rack item (including its library device)?
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 19:03 Permalink
It will copy the device from the library rack to the arrangement (along with the rack module). Then you have the option to 'Update' it there to current global version, if you wish so.
Mo., 27.06.2022 - 22:34 Permalink
I've found another bug in 2.0.6. Whenever I attempt to import a MIDI file, Synfire crashes. I am able to get as far as the window after I've seleted the MIDI file that I want to import. But whenever I try to change the figure recognition preset (say from Sustained Chords to Polyphonic) Synfire crashes. The first time I tried to import, I was attempting to change to a Static Pitch preset since I was importing a drum file and Synfire crash. The second time I tried to import the same file but this time using "Auto-Detect" and agin Synfire crashed. So then I tried a melodic file (piano) and again any attempt to change the figure recognition preset crashed Synfire. I've submitted a crash report
Di., 28.06.2022 - 05:16 Permalink
Synfire crashes when I try to import MIDI files into a library.
Di., 28.06.2022 - 14:16 Permalink
Thanks. There are enough fixes already to justify a new build.
Build #3 is online now.
I should note that on macOS, the native menubar is not yet 100% stable. If your are doing serious work, please enable local menubars in global preferences for now.
- Dropping phrase from a library should copy the library's device not the global original
- Enable Save As... in device editor of arrangement/library racks.
- Fixed a crash in device editor with Open And Add...
- Fixed a crash with MIDI file import settings
- Fixed a crash with opening older library files
- Editing: Resizing a segment vertically should not introduce accidentals unless enabled
- Editing: Allow accidentals to be introduced while holding CTRL/Command key
- Editing: Returning to pointer tool should not unselect current selection
- Editing: Extending an existing segment with [+] was defunct for Line tool
- Updated localization for German
Di., 28.06.2022 - 15:29 Permalink
That was fast! Nice one Andre.
Sa., 01.10.2022 - 20:53 Permalink
Graphics: Improved font selection and positioning on Windows
Graphics: Wrong font selection for input fields
It's still glitchy but at least it's generally readable, now.
Layout: Zoom phrase editor to full size in arrange view by default
The "eye" button is bugged btw, at the third click, when re-expanding, the first instrument doesn't expand.
Overview: Ability to copy/cut/paste phrases
Would be cool, if only it worked and it didn't paste the figures at random positions.
my personal favorite are the new Line, Freehand and Shape tools.
Selection is completely bugged, worse than before.
Folks that saw their sound output disappear on Windows while working with multiple audio program...
Sound output disappears occasionally simply while working with Synfire alone, in this version as well.
Editing: Preview Velocity while altering Figure with mouse gestures (!)
With zero context in regard to the other symbols, so you move a single velocity up and down, and you have no idea what you're doing.
editing velocity also got a lot more convenient.
The velocity shouldn't be a point, it should be a vertical bar, like in FL Studio and Dorico's piano-roll, and you should be able to select that bar.
And it's still impossible to work with voices and with a notes selection.
It makes no sense to move a velocity horizontally. Velocity must be per-note: the dynamic features of Synfire, e.g. changing dynamics with a container, should be meant to apply like a curve smoothly on top of the original dynamics, so you can create crescendos/decrescendos or humanization, but the base (the foundation, the hyper) of velocity should be per-note.
hope to be able to release the full family soon.
[rant, redacted]
Are Mac users not having all these issues?
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 00:00 Permalink
I mean, it just feels like an ancient piece of software, it's really depressing.
Quite the opposite for me.
Synfire, even in its Preview state, feels like an innovative prototyping tool to me, which makes me happy everytime I use it while I explore new musical territory.
(using Mac)
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 00:23 Permalink
Something's changed for Synfire 2.0.6 or maybe 2.0.5 which seems to have made the app a lot snappier. Very happy with this update.!
You could have released Synfire as a command-line program and it would probably have been better
Nah, not necessarily. I wouldn't support that.
Having said that, an api into the core functions of Synfire, would take it to a whole new level.
(using PC on Win 11)
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 19:16 Permalink
(using Mac)
And do you experience any kind of lag, or any GUI issues? And if you do, do you just grit your teeth and keep using the program, because you like its features and so that's enough to endure the pain? I'm genuinely curious.
Nah, not necessarily. I wouldn't support that.
It was more of a joke than anything else, I just hate the GUI, so anything else would go.
(using PC on Win 11)
Do you experience any lag and GUI issues? What is your sentiment when you open a popup menu and it goes outside of the screen (just to name one thing)? Or that doesn't happen on your system?
btw my PC is way above the requirements, it's not about that.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 10:16 Permalink
@scriabiner: Your detailed feedback is welcome and some of it has been very helpful, but a derogatory tone is not necessary.
If selection and editing hasn't improved in your opinion, can you be more specific than "worse than before"?
We are on uncharted territory (new paradigms and metaphors, new level of abstraction, new workflows, high expectations). Building anything in this vague and moving environment is impossible with a static language like C++ that demands well-defined requirements from the start. That worked for the Audio Engine only. Going with something like Smalltalk or Scheme was inevitable, or Synfire would have never seen the light of day. The UI being slower compared to other music software is a compromise that made Synfire possible. It's indeed much snappier and more crisp on macOS, which supports transactional graphics.
We are striving to improve the user experience.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 12:25 Permalink
Terrible. The velocity shouldn't be a point, it should be a vertical bar.
Velocity must be per-note.
HyperEdit is as close as you can get to "editing note velocity". But velocity in Synfire is a movable polyphonic parameter that works standalone. It is meant to override (replace) velocity, not modulate it. Modulation is done with the Shape tool.
A new Dynamics parameter for modulation would be interesting, though.
you should be able to select that bar
You can select velocity points, even multiple ones as a group, and move them anywhere you want, using the keys or mouse. Moving them horizontally makes a lot of sense, because that's how you shape and refine a rhythm. And again: That rhythm is often meant to work with any Figure. In fact you can collect velocity parameters in a library to drop them on phrases later on.
What often leads users to expect DAW-like behavior in this context is to see symbols as a proxy for notes for which only the pitch is determined later on. That is a commmon misconception. Symbols end up being transformed, replaced, split and added a lot before a note even begins to exist. The point of prototyping is that you don't need to set a piece note by note in advance, but get something quickly from throwing together and altering elements that Synfire makes fit.
(Overview Copy/Paste) Would be cool, if only it worked and it didn't paste the figures at random positions.
Postions are not random. The phrase always replaces the one currently selected (in Overview). A simple Paste lacks information needed to know whether or not to create a new container and where in the hierarchy to place it (unless hierarchy is flat). Same with a mouse drop. We're testing ways to highlight a target container under the mouse and use option keys to control behavior. For now containers can only be added in Structure view.
Selection is completely bugged, worse than before.
(Dragging velocity) With zero context in regard to the other symbols
Useless feature.
Select segments or multiple symbols to alter them as a group. For full context use HyperEdit and Shape tool. Although showing all velocities in the background sounds like a good idea.
By the way, a suggestion like "I would like to see all velocities in context", rather than a scathing verdict, makes it more likely that feedback is considered.
Sa., 01.10.2022 - 20:55 Permalink
It's indeed much snappier and more crisp on macOS, which supports transactional graphics.
I see. Well, that's a pity.
If selection and editing hasn't improved in your opinion, can you be more specific than "worse than before"?
It's on my usual thread. Copy-pasting:
Introduced in .6: after using the program for a bit, the ability to select by clicking and dragging and enclosing symbols, simply disappears...
Meaning that at some point, selection doesn't work anymore, you click and drag with the mouse but no rectangle appears.
HyperEdit is as close as you can get to "editing note velocity". But velocity in Synfire is a movable polyphonic parameter that works standalone. It is meant to override (replace) velocity, not modulate it. Modulation is done with the Shape tool.
A new Dynamics parameter for modulation would be interesting, though.
It should be the default for the velocity parameter imho. But if that's not your vision, yes, a dynamics parameter should probably be added: it would allow refining the dynamics, and it would be more useful than a specific set of points: if I place a container below another one, and I set a different curve, to see how that phrase is going to work if e.g. it starts with a slower velocity curve, now that would be meaningful prototyping, rather than simply completely swapping the velocity values.
You can select velocity points, even multiple ones as a group, and move them anywhere you want, using the keys or mouse.
You should be able to select a vertical bar, not a point. It's bad design imho. Meaning that if I click below a point, I should still be able to select it. In other words, the lower area of the curve (sometimes filled with a color, in other programs) should be editable with the mouse, without having to specifically click the exact point. For velocities specifically, this is done through vertical bars, so you can easily select them, and most importantly, you can select overlapping velocities; which is a way better method than the current CTRL + click thing.
Moving them horizontally makes a lot of sense, because that's how you shape and refine a rhythm. And again: That rhythm is often meant to work with any Figure. In fact you can collect velocity parameters in a library to drop them on phrases later on.
Yes, I do understand that you have a very particular vision. Sadly, the whole container idea is one of the victims of the lag, making using containers like that a pain (which I still use anyway though, at least for certain parameters).
The phrase always replaces the one currently selected (in Overview). A simple Paste lacks information needed to know whether or not to create a new container and where in the hierarchy to place it (unless hierarchy is flat).
Ok. It's confusing though, maybe pasting could be prevented with a message, if no other phrase is selected.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 13:54 Permalink
Do you experience any lag and GUI issues?
I'm afraid not. There are some minor frustrations but nothing more than I experience with all the other music software I use.
I don't tend to grit my teeth with Synfire at all. Andre is very responsive.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 14:15 Permalink
I'm afraid not.
Really? Thanks for answering. I guess I will have to create some detailed reports and make some videos, etc.
Very weird though, there's nothing wrong with my machine.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 15:05 Permalink
Do you experience any lag and GUI issues?
No! On Mac with M1 the GUI renders fast and nicely. I have almost no lag at all. The software also behaves relatively stable, at least the guy sitting in front of the Mac is the bottleneck in the creative process, not the machine.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 15:47 Permalink
@scriabiner Not directly related to Synfire but in the past I have seen Windows PCs suffer from some sort of interrupt storm not directly related to a number of different software packages running, but as a secondary effect (maybe from page swapping, temp files, etc). I've solved those by upgrading bios and low level drivers (such as disk,usb, chipset drivers,etc) so it might be worth checking them out just in case. Could some of your problems be related to your workflow? It's well known that windows hates sharing audio drivers between different apps concurrently. Perhaps you had some notation software or daw loaded that was fighting for control of the audio driver? I do hope you get to the bottom of your underlying problems, however being so aggressive in your comments is not the answer and will just make cognitone wary of running open betas in the future if it just results in negative PR. You said you had problems with V1, did you ever try to resolve these with cognitone via their support channels, perhaps if you'd resolved those, you would have less problems with V2? Other people seem to be using both V1 and V2 without the level of problems you are suffering from, so draw some comfort that once whatever is causing the underlying issues is resolved, hopefully you will reach the same happy state composing and making music.
Mo., 18.07.2022 - 01:44 Permalink
Not directly related to Synfire but in the past I have seen Windows PCs suffer from some sort of interrupt storm not directly related to a number of different software packages running, but as a secondary effect (maybe from page swapping, temp files, etc). I've solved those by upgrading bios and low level drivers (such as disk,usb, chipset drivers,etc) so it might be worth checking them out just in case. Could some of your problems be related to your workflow? It's well known that windows hates sharing audio drivers between different apps concurrently. Perhaps you had some notation software or daw loaded that was fighting for control of the audio driver?
Well, I doubt that I'm the only dude having problems on Windows; why is it that it has never been told to me by Cognitone or by some user? I've written two insanely detailed threads...
I am very skeptical, Andre would've told me that I am the only Windows user experiencing these problems. Quite the opposite, he seemed to acknowledge that there are issues with the Windows version.
Mi., 29.06.2022 - 17:01 Permalink
I can only speak for my own experience (with Windows 10), but I haven't experienced any significant lags. My experience with Synfire so far has been largely positive. I thought the very first pre-release had a slighly unpolished GUI (which I always assumed to be a Windows vs Mac thing). But I've noticed refinements in this area with each minor update and I like how it's coming along so far. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Factories that Andre is working on. My quibbles at this point are minor: I wish that the Factory tab would load faster when I open a new session after closing out. (And I wish the MIDI import feature were slighting more "accurate" in its interpretations of the original file.) But I can't say that I've encountered anything that made my experience with Synfire unbearable. As with Ruchir, I have some minor frustrations here and there. But it's not significantly different than what I've experienced using any of the popular DAWs.
It's unusual that only one user would experience so many significant issues. Hopefully, they will be resolved soon.