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When I have a child container that is shorter in duration from the Parent (e.g. the child is 2 measures and the Parent is 4 measures) and both containers are using phrases from the same instrument, I thought that the sound of the parent container would be overridden by child container. 

For example, I have 2 phrases both using the grand piano instrument.  THe parent container phrase is 4 measures long, and the Parent COntainer is likewise 4 measures long.  the second phrase is 2 measures long and the container is also 2 measures.  Assuming the Parent COntainer is placed at Bar 1 of the Root, and the child container is placed at bar 3 inside the Parent, I thought that the sound of the parent would be cut off at Bar 3 by the child.  BUt this is not happening.  Instead, I hear both phrases.

Am I doing something wrong or do I misuderstand  how COntainers work??

Fr., 07.02.2025 - 09:23 Permalink

Hi, I do the same way you have done and I found that if the phrase go over the bar 3 and it is a group you hear those note in the follow bar 3, but if you cut the group you don't hear any note. I am on Mac.

Fr., 07.02.2025 - 14:11 Permalink

Few things contribute to this. Primarily look at the anchor and how much of the phrase is rendered after the anchor in the parent container. The phrase will continue to play If The Anchor is well before bar 3 on the initial phrase in the parent container. They will overlap in this case...basically what Ryland said. 

Another case is if theyre on a different track going to same instrument.


Btw, enjoy your videos on youtube man. Very detailed.

Fr., 07.02.2025 - 14:55 Permalink

container processing goes from left to right and  from bottom to to top of screen, understand ?