I'm not sure what is happening, when I load my last device another one disappears. I don't have that many only 6 plus cognitone default, windows default midi device and a global direct. I have "various internal loopbe internal midi's, and some midi yokes. I have a sonivox soundfont gm set that I am running in a cantabile lite vsthost, that contains sfz soundfont player(s). My devices are labeled internal1, yoke1,yoke2,yoke3, yoke4,and yoke5. I have 82 soundfonts or instruments contained therein. Occasionally, I have to change the ports also on various devices,because if I used port d originally for yoke5, port d sometimes will not open in port d but will in b for example, and I have to change instrument settings to port b,which is no big deal. When I have 5 devices loaded, when I go to load the last one,yoke5,then yoke4 disappears, if the last device is yoke4, when I load that device, yoke5 disappears,lol! It's a mystery to me!
Di., 31.08.2010 - 12:34 Permalink
Thanks for your feedback. You are correct that HN supports only eight MIDI ports.
The intention was to limit the number of ports that can be used at the same time. As you pointed out however, it also limits the number of ports accessible in the user interface. No doubt, that's confusing.
I filed an AR for this. Hopefully Andre will find an appropriate fix until the next update.
EDIT: Are you using Version 2?
Di., 31.08.2010 - 19:35 Permalink
ah ha! Thank you very much for your reply Supertonic. I just purchased maybe a week ago, so if version 2 is the latest, that is the one I have. I don't think it is going to be a problem, after re-thinking, I realized that I can make a device that holds the main instruments, and if I ever needed a few more instruments they could be added very easily. It's mainly a newbie getting familiar with the program type of a deal. I saw all the devices in the videos and examples not realizing they wouldn't all be used at once, and don't remember seeing the 8 port limit at one time. I studied the manual and the emphasis on having a gm sound module, so I sort of spent awhile concocting a gm soundset, which are almost obsolete,by the way, and didn't wish to open cubase at the same time for vst's as I wasn't sure of the memory affect. Again, thank you very much for answering my question Supertonic, as that one left me scratching my head,lol!!!