Even this simple thing doesn't work like i am a absolute beginner..frustrating
The manual is vague .. You have the option to build your own phrase library( yes i know ). Please use the two menu buttons for this. Add new phrases to a library, simply by dropping them onto the list ( i made a new library : USER )
note: what two menu buttons ..and dragging them onto a list ?????????????????????????..i am lost here..
The phrase a midi file so i thought to drag this onto the USER library, but it mustofcourse first be processed by HN2(imported)
Where to find the library on my computer?
Further i noticed when i start with a new accompaniment in HN2 the name of the userlibrary is not updated
example i start in a song with userlibraryname1 and chance this in userlibraryname2 and open with new accompaniment the userlibraryname1 is used for this accompaniment
Perhaps has it something to do in what part of HN2 you are working ? e.g song, accompaniment , etc
Do., 19.04.2012 - 12:11 Permalink
Grab the name of a track and drop it onto the list, that will add the phrase to the library.
Menu button is another word for drop down menu.
Do., 19.04.2012 - 14:27 Permalink
"Grab the name of a track".... what track do you mean ? ( it is full here of tracks and racks..haha )
You mean a midi track?
I use a midi track file on the desktop
I import a midi measure in phrase import and now it is showing up in HN2, than dragging this from the section to the userlibrary gives a userphrase..but that is not explained in the usermanual, but that is not working, because thephrase is not added to the user phrase library so there must be a another way like explained in the user manual
O.. by doing this via the section dragging the user library i do get in new folder : New song/A, but forget this..no it seems that the user phrase is made and now only give it a apropiate name
A midifile dropping on the userlibrary what i thought at first.. add a new phrase to a library, simply by dropping them onto the list
Ok the list is of phrases to see in the Phrase library .. a midifile is not phrase yet .so dropping on the Phrase library makes seems to no sense .
Do., 19.04.2012 - 18:59 Permalink
You need to import a midi file first. Then you can put the phrases aside in a library.
It is really very simple: Grab the instrument name in the mixer and drop it to the library list.