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Using drones in Cubase 6.5


Rewire procedure and using drones with a internal loopbackdriver ?

I think Rewire has nothing to do with a Drone

I must get clear in what situation i can use rewire and when working with a drone



So., 14.10.2012 - 16:20 Permalink

No need to use a loopback driver: Drones are MIDI ports that can receive data directly.

Rewire is required to sync with the DAW only.

So., 14.10.2012 - 16:41 Permalink


Thanks the latest video : harmonizing a melody it  becomes more clear now  and saw the "rewire thing" working ( how to use rewire) and more!J

Note: there was also a video what makes midi notes out of the voice and use this for harmonization ?

Just what i needed now .. some clearity , thanks for that André ! 

For a while, i am also more interested to use voices in a arrangement, so this latest video propells that desire for me

Now i can using Synfire Express for this and comparing Synfire Express with HN2 it gives me much more musical freedom.



So., 14.10.2012 - 21:44 Permalink

It seems that the songpointer in Cubase and SF express don't move in the same pace ..and that i must use a rewire channel too (  i did not .. i loaded a wave file in a audio track ) ... let me study the video again about sync a daw and synfire.


No.. there is no audio in SFE so (audio) rewiring is not neccessary ..the only rewiring needed is the transport rewiring->
Cubase comes with a strange Transport Rewire box( it is a device ) use ?..i forget this for SFE .

Sufficient is set the external synchronization in SFE..acts also a master for tempochance

Both rulers did not start on the same measure, so they come never in sync with eachother ..corrected this in Cubase 

Now i can play/record along with a voice in Cubase and record this in SFE..super.