I thought the purpose of the "M" command was to minamize any instrument in a container that didn't have any activity.
In this example I fully opened all instruments. Only 'piano 5' had notes in it.. All other instruments when opened told me in what container this instruments had notes.. When I hit the 'M' command, it only closes down some of the instruments.
Also it would be helpful if the "M" command was a toggle switch; that is it either opened all instruments in a container, (to quicker ascertain the instrument sound was coming from) or MINIMIZED all empty containers.
A most helpful feature might be that when the 'M' button was on (it would a different color) when you selected a container the instrument that did have notes, was centered in the display,
Also what effect does 'Global Zoom" have on Minimize button. To me it opened and closed the organ track Track 2 Organ MIDI 14), which had nothing in it.
Sa., 20.10.2012 - 22:12 Permalink
An instrument may have other parameters set besides Figure.
Global zoom causes all collapse and minimize states to be the same in all containers. This can of course minimize tracks that have content in some containers.
Sa., 20.10.2012 - 23:37 Permalink
Got it.. The first priority should be if a instrument has notes in it.. That's what I'd like to ascertain. However the instrument in that container might be over riding the step settings in a higher container right?
That's where the newby uses (and some oldby users) get confused. I'm speculating here - one could create a container that does nothing but change the step values in all instruments? but the notes could actually be in higher (towards top of display)...
What are you and Andre's thought on this? Making control containers, and how to organize them.. I have fooled around with keep chords in seperate containers, and adding another container to over ride the original chords.. That is a great way to try out various song configurations, without committing to a course of action too early.
How about if you highlighted a parameter and then used the MINIMIZE button? That would be very useful.. I know you can use trace parameters, but this would make it one step faster, to get to the issue.
This program sometimes overwhelms me. (remain calm - step away from the computer - take deep breaths. It is now safe to put your hands on the kbd again) :-)
So., 21.10.2012 - 00:38 Permalink
Gee, Mark ... you are giving me all kinds of ideas.
Now I am thinking I will buy SFE just to get the phrase editor and library import. Then I will create phrases in SFE, save them in the Library and open up HN2 to use those phrasee in the dull old linear way where I can understand what's happening.
Oh, but that's right ... HN2 won't be able to open that library. Hmmmm ... I wonder what would happend if I saved the phrase into an existing HN2 library to which I have access.
Enquiring minds want to know.
So., 21.10.2012 - 01:09 Permalink
Hey Prado:
I bought HN first also.. I was kinda confused by it.. It is a totally new way to thinking about music, at least to me. I was also checking all the posts here. And I realized, although HN is cute, and can serve a very good purpose. Synfire Pro is what I wanted..
And to me, it seemed it was easier to understand SFP, even with the exponential amount of choices you have.. It was the most I ever paid for software, and although I get frustrated with it sometimes, I know it will turn out to be the best investment I have made.. Andre has improved it by leaps and bounds since I bought it, 1 1/2 years ago..
Although sometimes here it really feels like we are beta testers. It is thrilling for you or someone else to make a comment or suggestion and see in implemented, sometimes within a few days..
I think the more we comment and ask questions (look thru old posts and manuals first). But don't be afraid to ask the question again if you don't get it.. For the life of me, I couldn't get SFP to work with Yanama Tyros 4 MSB/LSB/PROG set-up.. Andre took the time to create a device list. I think there are two of use here with T4's.
Yeah this stuff really gets you thinking. I've just started experimenting with having SFP send MIDI and a chord detect track to Tyros 4, and I'm using it's style generators to create new parts..
In fact Yamaha styles are nothing more then 1 bar segments (occassionally more) of each part of a style, 3 intros, 4 main variations, 4 endings. Just by changing the .sty extension to .mid. You can import it into SFP or SFE, and get them to work for you.. You can find tons of free Yamaha styles on net.
Yeah, the more you work with this software the more you open up the pandora's box.. You won't regret getting SFE, I don't regret SFP. The ideas we're using here has influenced me on how I use Logic now. I always have a chord track for a song. These are block chords of forced legato.. I use it to analyze, and insert the chord progression into score editor. You also need these to drive Tyros 4 style generators and you can import into SFP to create additional parts.
I also create a 2nd track of the chord reference track and copy the chord track up and down the octaves, so I end up having five octaves of the chords. I shorten them all to an 1/8 note and mute them..
Then in Logic I can pull up the sloppy lead I played, (that had nano-seconds of brilliance). I hold shift and add the 5 octave reference track. And now I can easily see what's in key at any given time..I'll take a phrase I played copy and slide it back 8 bars, and with the Ref Chord track; it's easy to adjust notes to fit what the chords are doing at the time.. Kind of like any human analog of what some of SFP does.
It's really helped liberate me in the way I create music. Whether I'm using it, or just Logic alone. I'm getting to the point of thinking of music as independent music lines that intersect and create the chords, rather than having 3 intruments all bang out same chords.. This may be old stuff for some classically trained musicians. But this is an exciting new phase of music for me.. And we can thank Andre!
(quote that and take it to the bank!!!!) Ha Ha
So., 21.10.2012 - 02:32 Permalink
Mark ... thanks again and always for your generous sharing. I saw that you posted many or most of the libraries for downloading.
I feel I am pretty close to mastering HN2. I have a basic understanding of all the phrase parameters ... I've used them all ... the routing, using the phrase editor, limited as it may be compared to SFP/ SFE and importing midi to create sketches or grab phrases to create my phrase libraries.
A couple of weeks from now when I'm not discovering anything new and pretty confident I can do what can be done with HN2, I plan to start demoing SFE. Since I reeally am only interested in traditional song writing in a few genres, I'm not sure I'll ever make it to SFP, as from what I can glean from the Product Comparison Chart, I'll be able to do pretty much everything I want with SFE. Of course, once I'm into it, my mind may change.
I've learned a lot just following all the posts here and particularly from yours.
Thanks again for your help and generosity.
So., 21.10.2012 - 02:36 Permalink
I should add that although I use Cubase, not Logic, so many of the features you request or the comments about why something doesn't work a particular way as you imagine it should, immediately point to features I'm used to using in Cubase ... like selecting all midi notes of a specific pitch in a whole midi file and setting them all to the same length, or moving them all or relatively shortening or lenthening them at the same time.
I get it!
So., 21.10.2012 - 15:39 Permalink
The minimize button is not good for tracking parameter use. Use "Trace Parameters" instead. Select the desired parameter and then click through each instrument and see where the parameter is set.