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Library levels?


Are there only two levels of library nesting in Synfire? That is a collection of folders with one level of folders inside of them? Or can you create folders at three or more levels?



Do., 08.11.2012 - 17:08 Permalink

Thank you, soundcase.


OK ... I see it's the same as HN2. I do wish there was a third level for more compact organization.


Is there an easy way from the GUI to be able to sort back and forth between libraries, like the 'drop down' menu in the HN2 figure parameter?



Do., 08.11.2012 - 17:11 Permalink

actually its not same as HN2
"Phrase Pool" means you can put more than 1 phrase in it
( some of mine has over 400  :) )
HN2 has just one phrase on this level

Do., 08.11.2012 - 17:18 Permalink

With SFE libraries are regular documnets. You can organize them on your hard drive in any way you choose.

Do., 08.11.2012 - 18:30 Permalink

actually its not same as HN2
"Phrase Pool" means you can put more than 1 phrase in it
( some of mine has over 400  Bild entfernt. )
HN2 has just one phrase on this level


I'm not sure I understand. In HN2 I create a 'Prase Library.' Then I create a 'Folder' inside the library (I can create as many folders as I like). Then I start collecting phrases in this folder. I have some folders with well over 100 phrases.


How is this different from the 'phrase pool?'



Do., 08.11.2012 - 18:40 Permalink

With SFE libraries are regular documnets. You can organize them on your hard drive in any way you choose.


So the work flow idea would be that you just open several different libraries you'd like to work with at the same time, instead of moving through the menu hierarchy? And you then have to stop and open them up, one at a time?


The phrase library 'hierarchy' set up in HN2 seems a simple and intuitive way to find things while working on phrases.


So you are saying there is no equivalent in SFP/ E to the figure phrase panel or any way to set up something like that?


I'm starting to wonder if I wouldn't have preferred a chance to buy 'Harmony Navigator Deluxe' with the addition of expanded phrase editing and improved midi import ability with CCs of SFE and 16 midi tracks in the HN2 shell, instead of SFE.


I'd pay the same price and you could keep the audio engine. :)





Do., 08.11.2012 - 19:16 Permalink

that 100 phrases actually 100 phrase pools
but there is no phrase pool ( editor) for HN2.
when you open your  Library in SFP you can collect all that 100 phrases in one pool..
i hope gif will clarify what i ment.


Do., 08.11.2012 - 22:18 Permalink

i hope gif will clarify what i ment.


Thank you for the gif. It is clear what it does.


But what it does simply appears to be a property of how SFP/E works ... the collection or 'pool' of phrases at the folder level as far as I can tell is no different.


In HN2 you drag them to an instrument in a section. In SFP/ E you drag them into a container where you can stack them and add the instrument later.


I can see no reason why you couldn't ... if it worked that way ... just as easily drag the phrase from the 'pool' in the HN2 set up.


I presume the advantage of SFP/E is that you can have multiple libraries open at the same time ... since no one has confirmed whether you can open more than one and I haven't gotten around to trying it.


The advantage of HN2 is that they are all nicely accessible one library at a time from the drop down menu. For what it's worth, in HN2 what you see in the library drop down box is simply a reading of the separate libraries you have created.


I see no difference with the phrases ... only diffrences in the method of accessing them.



Do., 08.11.2012 - 23:03 Permalink

yes you are right folder levels not goes deeper than HN2.
as a side note i don't know about SFE but.. you can open dozens of  SFP  libraries at same time ,
i guess this depends on the  RAM .