I am enjoying Synfire except for: 1) The program does not allow me to minimize it. I can grab the right or left side and drag it,I can grab the lower right corner to make it smaller but there is no _ , square box ,or x in the upper corner. It simply locks to the top of my monitor. This makes it very difficult when I open a second midi file and want to drag that file to my second monitor. Is this normal or some little bug? 2) The figures in the arrangement window do not scroll with the song, it would be be most helpful if it could. 3) Is there a way to loop a section of a song, 4)After opening a phrase library and finding a phrase I want, I then drag it to the song .The problem is that it always ends up at measure 1 . I have to first double click the phrase to open the phrase editor then highlight the phrase, than do a copy and past to were I want it in the song. Am I doing something wrong or is this the way it is set up.
Thanks for any help in these matters.
Fr., 30.01.2009 - 18:52 Permalink
Hi Joe,
first off, I'm glad to see your shipment has arrived, despite the tracking information not being up to date. Good news. USPS seems to still fulfill DHL shipments :-)
Now for your questions:
Re 1) The window seems to have moved out of reach. Try using the keyboard for maximizing it. Then the window caption should become visible again.
Re 2) Check View >> Follow Running Position
Re 3) As one has to restart playback after changing the parameters anyway, there is no loop selection for the time ruler yet. This is because Synfire renders the whole "picture" in one go. By the very nature of its technology, it can't work clockwise like a sequencer. We will eventually add a convenience feature that simulates a loop by automatically rendering the song anew for each loop.
Re 4) Yes, dropped phrases start from the begining of a container. Add more containers at a later position if you want to introduce a change. This has the benefit of making your change freely moveable. Otherwise you have to open the phrase and edit it.
BTW: I just unlocked the early bird feedback forum for you.
Sa., 31.01.2009 - 00:01 Permalink
I took this advice on board, I have set up some nice tracks, and I'm looking forward to reading the early bird feedback forum (for some reason I can't get into the forum).