When importing phrases from an instrument to a library, I cam across something strange.
When you drag and drop, the phrase has the name of instrument. The instrument had been imported for 64 bars and I was using 8 bar sections. Each section had a different phrase. I wanted to give the a common name using a code for the style with name of instrument and a number. For example: Ltn Brass 1, Ltn Brass 2, etc.
After renaming the instrument to my code, while the new name was highlighted in the 'Rename' dialog box, I used the right click context menu to copy. However, when I came to the next rename, it had not copied the name correctly. If, however, I used the Cut command, it was correct. Afterwards I reopened the 'Rename' dialog and pasted the repeating part back into it, i.e., 'Ltn Brass,' and could do so on each phrase rename from the subsequent sections.
It appears that the Copy command in that context menu is not working properly. I tried this several times, all with the same result: Copy did not change the content of the 'clipboard,' but Cut did.
Unfortunately I neglected to see what happened if I used the standard windows key commands of Control + C.