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Countermelodies in Synfire Express


Enclosed a short classical example of

-ensemble string





-French Horn


6 instruments and has 15 tracks

The point is how to easily compose in SE to get the interaction of the melodic lines
For example you want some harmony ?
It is in measure 7 that the French Horn comes in after the 5 combined string ensembles has done the intro
I am interested how to setup a workflow in SE ..some basis knowledge about phrases is needed , because some symbols of the GM stringensemble phrases look if the have the same pitch, so...
This piece can be enriched in Cubase by using articulated sounds




Fr., 12.10.2012 - 17:06 Permalink

Nice composition, janamdo, reminds me on Beethoven ;) Well, I don't know, what exactly you are trying to do, but to get some practice with Synfire you could simply import this snippet into Synfire and do some experiments with it. Manipulate the phrases in the phrase editor or with the commands of the 'Transform' menu. You will probably realize that the result never will sound really bad (as it probably would, if you would do something similar in a DAW). Synfire always ensures that the result of your phrase manipulations fits into the current harmony. You also don't have to take care about the interactions between the instruments as Synfire usually calculates the appropriate voice leadings automatically (depends on the settings at the interpretaion parameter).

Fr., 12.10.2012 - 18:02 Permalink

Counterpoint melody is achieved simply by placing similar figure segments transposed to different voice ranges per instrument. You can do that with copy & paste, reverse, flip, stretch, etc.

Fr., 12.10.2012 - 18:33 Permalink


The only thing is now that the melodic lines gets the interaction  want i want ( studyexamples )