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Opening Parameter Editors Questions?


1st. Why do my parameter editors always open at 4 bars with looping? I'm usually working 8 bar and wish they'd open to this same setting.


2nd. If I have either a subcontainer or 8 bars or a looped section of 8 bars, why doesn't the editor open up to show me the same view? It seems like it is usually showing my 6 1/2 measures or something that has no relatioinship to the former work space.



Fr., 16.11.2012 - 08:45 Permalink

The length of new parameters default to the length of one row in your Metric Scheme. Go to the Progression tab and edit the scheme to be based on 8 bars.

The amount of visible data depends on the zoom step. Zoom in to seem more.

The editor should remember its last used zoom step. This seems to be broken currently.