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automatic chords in Interpretation


1. I would like to have automatic chords, but that would play every measure, (and possibly every beat like in a metronome, with the measure accented). Using "Automatic Chord" does this, but only at chord changes are the chords triggered. So that if I have a chord that runs for 4 measures only measure 1 has a chord generated. How can I do this for each measure?

2. Also, the progression editor merges 2 adjacent identical chords (e.g. 2 adjacent 1 measure of C becomes 2 measure of C). There is no way of keeping these separate. I would like to be able to do this, if for no reason than to repeat C C in the MIDI track for notational purposes. I could create single measure containers, with aliases, but that seems tedious.

3. Also, how does one turn on the metronome??? I can change it, I can probe it, but darned if I can make it actually click. Does one have to somehow create a new metronome instrument in ones composition??

So., 13.06.2010 - 22:10 Permalink

Should be no problem:

Re 1) At each position you want Synfire to render the "chord of the moment", draw a figure segment using three purple [a] symbols in vertical orientation and set the "Full Chord" property. This will render all 3, 4, 5 or more notes of the chord automatically. If you want a chord for each measure, you can draw a single segment and set the length of the Figure vector to 1 measure (will loop it).

Re 2) Be sure you disable the "Tie Notes" option in Interpretation.

Re 3) The metronome plays during recording only. As it is being generated on the fly, there is currently no way to convert it to a figure or something. This is on our agenda.

Hopefull that helps.


So., 13.06.2010 - 23:49 Permalink

Hey, thats great. I think I got it to do what I want, but question:

1. I just put the 3 purples at 0, 1 & 2 positions vertically (each became root). Is this right? I would have though each triggered an arpeggio, so why would I need 3...

2. Where is the "Full Chord" property - I do not see it.
I clicked off "accompaniment" in the interpretation and this allows "completion" to not be grayed out, which I then clicked on. This is probably what you mean for "Full chord".

Like I said it seems to be doing what I want.

I understand about metronome. No problem. I can use this method if I need.

But I don't understand about "tie notes" for my original question #2 - about progressions where 2x1 measures of a chord merge into 2 measures. (I can see that for this question about getting chords triggered). Its not very important thing.

Thanks again.

Mo., 14.06.2010 - 00:05 Permalink

2. Where is the "Full Chord" property - I do not see it.

Its to the right of the transport. Open the phrase editor, and select a segment.

[quote]2. Also, the progression editor merges 2 adjacent identical chords (e.g. 2 adjacent 1 measure of C becomes 2 measure of C). There is no way of keeping these separate. I would like to be able to do this, if for no reason than to repeat C C in the MIDI track for notational purposes.

Try copying the chord, and pasting next to it. Mess about with it for a bit; you'll get the hang of it. That's completely possible.

Thanks for asking these questions. I've now found out about the full chord prop.

Mo., 14.06.2010 - 01:17 Permalink

The purple symbols do not trigger arpeggios. Their name just refers to their mapping: The pitch index (0,1,2,3,...) enumerates all notes of the current chord in pitch order.

You need to group the three symbols to a single segment. Then only one of them is the anchor. Also be sure you make their durations (lenghts) fit the desired distance between your successive chords.

The "Tie Notes" feature only ties notes that are close enough to each other (i.e. the gap between them is small enough).

Mo., 14.06.2010 - 03:11 Permalink

Thanks guys,

Indeed I found the Full Chord property. You have to select via the group tool. Devilishly clever!

And Christian, I copy on the use of the purple symbol. That is a really great symbol. Wow!

By the way - there is a glitch in this process if you don't do the below.

if you loop any part of your arrangement (e.g. you have a chord progression and you have it set up to play a chord every beat, in the 1st measure on the first repeat, it has a problem with beat 2, where it cuts it. Since one can choose to loop any subsection and this occurs at beat #2 of whatever is now at measure 1, I thought it was a glitch.

But in the interpretation property, hit Preset-> AutoDetect (and I might have switched something off in Form as well,) but now even with looping it is perfect!!