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Automation in Synfire


hi All,

I've developed a set of scripts for automating my music apps, including Synfire on Windows. 

Mainly to reduce the number of clicks I need to do.

Everything from playing and recording to selecting instruments. Anyone here interested in trying it out and perhaps even extending it?

It's based in autohotkey, so you need to know what you are doing or be vaguely adventurous. 

Sa., 11.05.2019 - 07:23 Permalink

What’s the advantage to a saved file with all parameters already set that can be used as template

Sa., 11.05.2019 - 09:02 Permalink

It’s a fair question.

The short answer is I already have a saved default file with all the parameters already set, and yet I’m also using this. Why?

The longer answer is, Play","Stop","Pause", "Record","Enlarge", "Undo","Initialise","Select","Container","New","Instrument","NewInstrument","Scales","Edit", "Close","Quantise", "Remove","Convert","Rename","ImportMIDI","Capture","SaveAndCapture"

These are all mapped to a menu that pops up when I press the middle mouse button within Synfire. 


So., 12.05.2019 - 11:04 Permalink

Thanks Space12. The attached zip contains the ahk autohotkey file. Open it in a text editor first to make sure it will work with your system, before trying it. Let me know how you get on.

NB. All, please be aware that you need to know what you are doing, as the script automates mouse movements and key presses. As your system is undoubtedly different to mine, be wary that the mouse might click elsewhere if your window is layed out differently to mine. Really important that Synfire is running maximised in a Full HD 1920, 1080 window.