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Beginner question.


Hello everybody!
I have a few questions:
How do you know the key of a song and is there program who can do this?
Is ther a palette where you have all the chords or do you guys are sharing palette or chord progression you like?
What should i do if i have a chord progression i like and wanted to adapt to a different track?

Di., 26.01.2010 - 00:25 Permalink

Hi Stephane,

HN can tell you the key of a song. If you have the chords, enter them as a progression and call the menu item Estimate Keys & Scales... If you have a melody, import it into a blank accompaniment pattern and run the harmonizer with Instrument >> Harmonize. Clicking on the "key" button will tell you.

HN2 will have improved features for this.

There are hundreds of palettes. Many of them include similar chords, but with different meanings and relationships. One big palette with all chords would not be very helpful, although there is one: "Chromatic Maze".

If you have a progression you like, you can use it with any accompaniment pattern. Just select that pattern from the Playback menu and play or export your progression.
