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Blue Cat Patchworks


I think Tanders already wrote about it but I took the recommendation and tried it out.

Its a really good solution for loading synths + as many vst effects as needed (up to 7).

You can easily map the vst controls to knobs in blue cat, map those midi CC's to controllers in Synfire and save the whole setup as a rack for instant recall.

Save the preset in Patchworks and then open it up in the DAW for instant transfer of the whole setup per track.

Seems to work well.

Sa., 08.10.2022 - 21:15 Permalink

> as many vst effects as needed (up to 7)

If you really need, there are ways to have more, e.g., by loading PatchWork into PatchWork. ;)

So., 09.10.2022 - 00:16 Permalink

Yes, your'e totally right.

Its totally extendable, you can even have layered instruments and FX.

As the midi CC is in the midi file it carries over to the composition perfectly. 

I can add pro Q and Pro C2 on there and even get a rough mix going before transferring to the DAW. 

Even the snippet matrix allows a huge amount of experimentation before commiting to the DAW.  

Good days!